Chapter 14

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"What happened to your neck?" I ask Atlas, noticing a patch of blue. Obviously I know he has some tattoos, but when did he get them filled in...with colour?

Atlas shrugs at the same time as Allie starts to giggle. She shoves a piece of her pancake into Vienna's mouth, then her own. I'm not sure why Allie feels like she has to feed her sister, but I'm not going to complain about it.

I lay a hand on Atlas's shoulder, stroking my thumb over his tattoo. "Dammit, woman. Don't touch me." He flinches, then shakes his body as if to shake off the cold from my hands.

He comes off a little harsh, which isn't unusual for Atlas. Though, it appears the people next to our table don't like the way he's talking to me. Good for them, I do like it. Perhaps that is because I know Atlas always talks rather harshly.

Even his daughters know he doesn't mean any harm. Not to us anyway.

Anyway, Atlas telling me not to touch him only makes me want to touch him even more. Sure, if we were talking about him having any other reason but my cold hands, I would remove them from his body instantly, know, I love annoying this man.

"Did Allie draw them in?" Not that I need an answer because she most definitely did. And he didn't take a shower to get it off before we got here. That's kind of...adorable.

I slide my hand down his arm, carefully tug his too-fancy-for-breakfast shirt out of his pants and slip a hand underneath, pressing my cold fingers right against his hot stomach.

Atlas gasps, pulling my hand out from underneath his shirt. "I swear, Sierra..."

He doesn't get to finish his sentence as the woman next to us walks up to our table. Allie seems unfazed, shoving more food into her mouth as the black-haired woman stares at Atlas with a mad look. Vienna slides closer to her sister, hiding.

It's quite funny to see the differences between both of my daughters.

Allie is a hell of a lot like Atlas. She fears almost to nothing, except from the dark and being alone. She has a big mouth, talks back, even at the age of three. She is loud and unshakable. Vienna, on the contrary, she's quiet. She'd rather disappear in the background than be the center of attention. She hated her second birthday so much, simply because a lot of people showed up and everyone wanted to talk to her.

Allie loves the attention. She loves being put first, and she loves giving orders. Vienna sometimes seems too shy to even ask for food when she's hungry.

"Miss, is your boyfriend abusing you?"

My mouth falls open. I need a whole minute to gather my thoughts before I manage to even remotely wrap my head around her words. Why would she think Atlas is abusing me from...what? seeing me annoy him with my cold hands?

"I'm sorry, why would you think that?" I lie a hand on Atlas's thigh, feeling him relax instantly. He may not show it to other people, but he's actually overthinking things a lot. He cares so much, strangers would never know how badly he wants everything for his family to be perfect.

I get it, though. I was in the position of these strangers before. I thought Atlas was cold. That he hated everyone and everything. That he is mean, rude and unapproachable.

Maybe he is. Maybe he is rude and unapproachable. Maybe he does hate everyone and everything. But he is also the sweetest person one could ever get to know. He does everything for me when I ask him to. Even when I don't ask, he does.

Atlas always makes sure I'm not missing anything. And he makes sure neither are his children missing just one tiny thing. He loves with his whole heart and, yes, he does talk a little bit harsher than normal people, but when did the way someone speaks define their whole...being?

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