Chapter 16

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"I can never tell you I'm pregnant in an exciting way. That's so annoying," Sierra complains, exhaling deeply as she falls on top of me.

We can hear our daughters laugh from their room, faintly being able to hear Cody talk. I guess he's being forced into their diner. Yup, diner. I went all in with the toy-kitchen for them. I believe they could open a whole restaurant if this was real. Not just appliances wise, fake-food wise too.

And yeah, I even got them a seating area. Like, a little booth for their customers to sit.

Sierra thinks it's too much, I think they're missing a couple more items or so.

"How would you tell me?"

Sierra sighs. "Over dinner, probably. Or, oh, my God, no. I would buy one of these merchandise kinda clothing or mugs or whatever that says 'best dad in the world.'"

I chuckle. "I wouldn't think you're pregnant from that. We have two kids already, I'd just think you're trying to poison me with that."

Sierra gasps. "Poison you?" I nod. "You're my ATM. I need you to survive and care for my children. You've already spoiled them too much, there is no way they'd settle for anything below $10.000 worth of toys a month. How am I supposed to pay for that without you?"

"And here I was thinking you'd say you love me too much to kill me."

Sierra shrugs, looking right into my eyes. "I mean, you are kinda of annoying." No smile in sight on her part, yet I know she's teasing. "You always leave your socks lying around. Everywhere. You don't do the dishes after cooking, that is if you cook."

I'm about to be fake-offended when I remember that I recently hired a personal chef. It's far easier and I can afford it.

I mean, let's be honest, letting Sierra use the stove puts us all at danger. Not only would she actually poison us all with whatever she made, our kitchen most definitely will light up in flames.

I tried teaching her how to cook, I really did. But good lord, it's impossible. We tried making eggs. Literally just boiling them in water. I ended up having to put out a small fire. Not sure how that happened, don't think I want to know either.

We also have tons of other staff in the house now. They're working from Mondays to Thursday. They're off Friday to Sunday. Sierra thought it's rude letting them work on the weekends because "What the hell does it matter making tons of money when they don't have time to spend it?"

She was right, of course. And I don't mind being off from my work for the weekend either. I mean, technically Friday isn't so much of a weekend-day, but Sierra insisted on it. So now it is.

"I do love you, you know?" Sierra speaks, her lips so close to mine, I can taste her already.

I shake my head. "I don't believe you."

She bites her lip, trying her hardest not to let the smile appear on her face. "Whatever can I do to proof to you that I, in fact, do love you, Mr. Storm?"

My hands slide up her body, my fingers pressing into her hot, silky skin. She has the smoothest skin I've ever felt, and I don't plan on ever not touching her if I can.

Around Sierra, I feel the sudden urge to have at least one hand on any part of her body. Not even sexually, just touching her ear would do. God, her ear. That's ridiculous.

I hum, thinking. "I don't think there's much you could do, Ms. Bloom."

She smirks, sitting up. Sierra lifts her hair, slowly putting them up in a ponytail, showing off her perfect neck. The same neck I bury myself into at night while falling asleep. "Are you sure? Because I could think of something, Mr. Storm."

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