Chapter 12

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"And, need I remind you that you were the one insisting I'd take Allie and Vienna with me to work? Because you didn't want them to spend their days at daycare."

"I am sorry, Sierra."

I gasp, flinching at his apology like it's unbelievable he just said those words. Though, it is. He doesn't usually apologise, so he can't blame me for being shocked.

"I overreacted. I was stressed from the meeting, then had half a heart attack because I thought god knows what happened to Allie. And when it turned out it was, well, nothing, I was relieved, but mad."

With a scoff, I roll my eyes. "Even Allie knows you, Atlas. She's knows when you're being her father or the boss. You didn't overreact, you straight up treated me like an employee, no one but one of many. The same way you treat every single one of them in the building."

There was absolutely no reason for Atlas to snap at me the way he did. I do understand he was annoyed because, well, his company does live off of others, in some ways. So yeah, having a deal ruined by a toddler isn't the ideal thing...

That still doesn't give Atlas the right to treat me like...Beau, for instance.

All of his employees are used to him. They're used to the Atlas Storm. The man that doesn't say good morning or even a simple hello. The man that snaps instead of asks. The man that speaks harshly and impolite.

But that's not Atlas. Not to me and the kids. He's far more than the rude man to us.

Sue me for expecting him not to call me a bad mother just because I didn't have my eyes on them for a solid five minutes.

"Sierra, I—"

My phone starts ringing. I didn't expect anyone to call me at this hour, but suddenly I'm glad someone decided to interrupt this conversation. Truthfully, I don't see a point further discussing this.

I check my phone, only to find an anonymous caller. Usually I wouldn't pick up, but simply because not continuing to talk annoys Atlas, I do. "Hello?"

It takes me a hot minute to suppress the urge to laugh at Atlas's more-than-mad expression. If he were mad at anyone but me, I probably would laugh about it.

"Is this Sierra Storm?" A deep voice asks.

"Who wants to know?" Shouldn't important people always start with introducing themselves so you know who's calling?

"This is Dr. Phoenix Carlson. I'm Alison's doctor. I'm calling to tell you the test results, though I need to know you're her mother first."

Test results. At 9:30 p.m...that sounds bad. Really fucking bad.

"I am."

"Mrs. Storm, does your husband happen to be near you?"

"Yeah, he is." I sigh softly, my eyes meeting his. "It's Allie's doctor," I tell him. I turn the phone on speaker, letting Atlas listen to the conversation.

As Dr. Carlson begins to speak, Atlas grabs my hand in his, interlocking our fingers. He must've noticed me shaking. "We just got Alison's results back, so I apologise for the late call. But I figured you'd want to know immediately."

Atlas wraps an arm around me, pulling me closer against him. His other hand still holding onto mine, his thumb caressing my skin. I lean my head against the front of his shoulder, just waiting for that doctor to give us the bad news.

"There is nothing abnormal about Alison's blood cells. We cannot explain the amount bruising, but I've been told she has a younger sister, is that correct?" I confirm. "Kids their age tend to play carelessly. It's not too surprising they end up having a few bruises every now and then."

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