Chapter 35

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"Your daughters need to sign an NDA," Cody says first thing as he opens the door. No hello, not even question why Sierra and I just randomly show up at his house. "Do you know what they've done?!"

He holds the door opens for Sierra and me to step inside his house, babbling somehow about how careless my daughters are. I think he needs a little reminder than they're two, and three years old.

Sierra hangs up her thin jacket like she plans on staying for hours when all we've wanted to do was get our kids and leave.

Even after four years, it's still weird seeing my wife and my best friend as siblings. I know they are, but fuck, it's strange. I mean, I've spent half my life believing this guy was an only child. Not once did he mention having a hot sister. Same sister that I'd end up getting pregnant and marrying.

Guess fate turned out in my favour for this one.

"What did they do?" Sierra asks, following her brother into the living room. As soon as she wants to sit down, because she refuses to stand on her feet for longer than two minutes, Cody does what I'm supposed to do. He helps her.

You see, I know there's no need to get jealous. He's her brother after all. But hell, that's my job. I got her pregnant. I get to take care of her. And on top of that, she is my wife. My responsibility. My life.

I refuse to let anyone help whats mine. Even her stupid brother that happens to be my best, and only friend.

"Athena and I took the kids to the playground," he begins to explain. "With all the shit going on because of me stepping back as COO, the damn paparazzi that were out for god knows what celebrity was out there, suddenly stopped to ask me question."

He shakes his head, sighing deeply. "ME. I'm not even Atlas. Unlike your husband, people don't know me."

Sierra chuckles, her hand instantly finding my thigh the second I decide to sit down next to her. She quickly smiles at me, turning her hand over, wordless telling me to take her hand. So I do. Because when my wife asks for something, I'll give it to her. Anything.

Even a stupid trip to target.

"Vienna was playing with Hunter. Well, he tried getting away from her but she refused to let go off his leg. Anyway, the second that reporter walked up to me, Allie was right by my side."

Of course she was. Allie loves attention.

"He asked tons of question, one being why I have 'my boss's kids.' He deadass thought I stepped back as COO to become Atlas's babysitter," he says, sounding truly upset about the assumption. "That's not it. Wait for it. Allie, like the devil she is, lifts her hands to her hips and says, 'My Uncle Cody doesn't work for my daddy. He only works for himself. And my daddy is busy buying a baby with my mommy.'"

While I'm trained to not burst out in emotions when confronted with something, my wife doesn't have the ability. Her hand slaps to her mouth, trying to cover up her laughter.

"Then Allie went all in over her head, insulting the paparazzi for taking a picture of her. I mean, totally get the annoyance, but she straight up used insults."

Insults? "Like what?" I ask at the same time as Sierra. She looks at me, her eyebrows slightly drawn together. She's just as confused as I am.

"She called him an annoying piece of abuser."

"She said that?" Sierra asks to make sure. Cody nods. "Like same words and everything?" Another nod.

I blink at Cody, letting out one long breath. It's been so long since that incident at the restaurant, I thought Allie would have forgotten about the word already as she never brought it back up again. Clearly I was wrong.

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