Chapter 33

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I don't think Alya was flirting with Atlas. She very well might just be worried about him. Not sure why, but it's possible.

"I was just trying to be nice," she says. "He seems lonely with all that ice on him."

Beau groans. Even though I can't see him, I know it was him. "Still, that's none of your concern."

I know Beau has been working his ass of lately, aiming for a raise because he and his wife are trying to adopt a child. I might need to speak to Atlas about it. Apparently I'm COO now. Not sure how much I have to say, but I sure can be persuasive.

As Alya and Beau keep on arguing, Atlas sighs deeply before his eyes eventually settle on me. He rolls his eyes, shaking his head like he can't understand why his employees care so much about this very discussion.

Honestly, not even I understand. Saying the word one time should be enough. No need to argue about how cold-hearted Atlas might be.

"When I can't even be nice to him, I do find it impossible to believe he's married. No woman would ever want to marry that."

Atlas's eyebrows fall into a frown. I shrug in response, refraining to laugh. Unfortunately, I am the complete opposite of Atlas when it comes to feelings, so trying to hide them is impossible.

A smile breaks free, soft but it's there. And as soon as my husband sees me smile, his eyes crinkle as he smiles back at me. It quickly vanishes though when the arguing in the background suddenly stops.

"Did you just smile, Mr. Storm?" Alya asks all shocked. "Do you find our discussion funny?"

This time, I cannot keep the laughter from spilling out of me. Alya has no right being shocked about it. But hell, it's funny how people truly believe Atlas doesn't have a heart.

Then again, perhaps I'd think the same if it weren't for us being married and having children together. If I were still just his employee and nothing else.

"I told you Sierra was there!" Beau says, followed by a loud thud. He probably hit the desk in front of him with a hand of his.

"Who the hell is Sierra?"

Beau sighs so loud, I bet people in space could hear it. "Mrs. Storm. Mr. Storm's wife." C'mon, this can't be that difficult to understand.

"Never heard of her." Is she forgetting that Atlas is in the call, being able to hear all of this? Judging by the way she talks, I doubt it. But then again, she might be well aware and just doesn't care.

Either way, I'm sick of this conversation. I struggle to get up just, shaking my head when Atlas attempts to get up to help me. I can do this alone, I know I can. Sure, a little help doesn't hurt, but right now I want to get off the goddamn sofa on my own.

My husband holds out his hand as soon as I stand. I take the few steps until I can lay my hand in his.

I'm not sure what they were talking about since my head was a bit preoccupied with being empty from just looking at Atlas, but what I do hear almost has me rage. "I never read anything about Mr. Storm being married. Do you have proof of it?"

"Just a couple of signed contracts, a wedding ring and children," I answer before anyone else would get the chance to. Atlas pulls me down on his lap, wrapping his arms around me instantly. "Do you mind me asking why you're so interested in my husbands life?"

Not that I can blame her. Actually, I can and I will. If she works in HR, she should know better than anyone else that this isn't correct. She's one of the people having to deal with complaints, including any kind of harassments at work.

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