Chapter 30

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It's been three whole goddamn hours since Sierra walked out the door.

I've tried giving her space. But even space has a limit. Reached mine when it hit the two-hour mark and she still hasn't texted me back.

All of my texts don't even show as delivered, and there is only two options as to why that is.

Option One: Her phone is off.

Option Two: She blocked my number.

I doubt it's the latter. She's my wife after all. And Sierra wouldn't go that far, would she?

It doesn't matter because I'm already sitting at my mother's kitchen table like some lovesick teenager, seeking her advice.

"She isn't answering my texts. Neither is Cody. Athena told me Sierra left an hour ago. But like I said, my wife isn't answering," I tell my mother. "She's not driving herself. And a goddamn Uber doesn't need an hour to get back to Medina."

"Did you try calling her?"

Did I try calling her? Only about a million fucking times. "Yes, mother. I did try calling my wife."

"Maybe she's staying with a friend, Atlas."

"What friend!" I slap my fists onto the table, regretting it instantly. I'm no longer sixteen years old, I can control my anger by now. At least I should be able to.

Sierra hasn't mentioned one friend other than Athena in four years. I think I would know if she had anyone else in her life. Co-workers don't count as friends. Not when the only times Sierra speaks to them is at work. When she ever is there, that is.

They don't speak about anything but work either. So excuse me for believing there are none other than my best friend's wife.

"Do you think Sierra would just leave like that?" my mother asks.

No, I do not think she would do that. Would she?

Sierra is capable of a lot of things one wouldn't expect, but surely one of those can't be leaving me without saying goodbye, can it? She wouldn't just run away and never let me see Vienna and Allie ever again. Or even meet our son.

That's not like her at all.

"I don't think so, mom."

"Atlas, you have to focus on your family. You won't be happy when you lose your daughters. So just stay calm and see what happens."

Stay calm and...hold on. "Sierra is my family."

"Is she?" Eh...fucking yes. "You know she's like a daughter to me by now, but do you really think she'd have ever married you if it weren't for Alison?"

I look at my mother, not being able to find words to say. I rub a finger over my chin, most definitely holding my breath. At least that what it feels like in my lungs. They're hurting. So much, I might as well be dying. "What is that supposed to mean?"

Are mother's allowed to say stuff like this? Isn't she supposed to tell me all about how everything is going to turn out okay, that I have nothing to worry about and all that crap?

Maybe I'm too old for that.

But I do admit, maybe Sierra and I wouldn't be married yet if it weren't for Allie. Sure, I do believe we'd be together, but not married.

"You're not exactly easy to handle, Atlas. You know that."

I send Sierra yet another text, praying it'll go through. It doesn't. Of course it doesn't. "My wife and our daughters handle me just fine, thank you very much."

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