Chapter 13

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I have just finished cleaning up the mess my wife and kids made in the kitchen (figured it would be somewhat nice if I did it for Sierra), on my way to the bedroom when I see the light still being lit in Vienna's room.

On the top of the stairs, I start to hear Allie and Sierra talk. Since when does Allie sleep in Vienna's room?

"We also get the pink one?" Allie yawns, most definitely being seconds away from falling asleep. She's fast to fall asleep. Just one tiny stroke over the bridge over her nose and she will be knocked out for hours. Not sure why, but I'm not complaining.

"Yes, cheeseball, we also got the pink one." Pink one of what?

"And the blue?"

"And the blue."

I walk closer to the room, their voices getting louder, though not all too loud. I can hear Taco snore as I approach the door, leaning against the frame without either of my girls noticing me.

Allie is all tugged in right next to Vienna, who's fast sleep. At the foot of the bed lies Taco, also fast asleep. I will never understand how these two can fall asleep with Taco's loud snores in the background, but alright.

"We don't go to daddy's work 'morrow?"

Sierra shakes her head. "No, cheeseball. We're busy decorating our cookies. With all the blue and pink icing. And a looooot of sprinkles!"

Allie giggles, then yawns again. "Okay, mommy. But we go bring daddy a cookie, yes?"

"No, he won't get any. He didn't help." Betrayal. Literally. I don't even like cookies, but that's a bit harsh. Sierra crosses her arms over her chest, closing her eyes as she dramatically turns her head to the side. As Allie laughs, Sierra joins her in.

"He won't say goodnight tonight," Allie says, her voice sounding a lot quieter than before. "Daddy is mad at me."

I just want to walk right in her and tell her I'm not, but Sierra beats me to it. "He's not mad, cheeseball. But you can't just call him Atlas, okay? He's your dad—"

"Dad," Allie repeats immediately.

I gasp quietly. To sum this up; my daughter has called me Atlas and Dad...all in one day. Can this get any worse?

"No, no, cheeseball. Don't say that either. Your daddy is going to have a heart attack if he hears you say that."

Yeah, he will. He is experiencing it right about now.


"Allie, no." Sierra laughs, but for some reasons I know she's sort of panicking. "You call him daddy, okay? Until you're like...twelve or something."

"Okay, mum." This time it's Sierra who gasps, and at that Allie laughs mischievously. "Mommy?"


"You sleep here too?"

I find my own eyebrows drawn together at her question. Allie has never asked for Sierra or me to stay in her room before—or Vienna's for that matter. If either of them didn't want to be alone, they'd come crawling into Sierra and my bed.

"No, why?" Sierra asks, her voice sounding just as confused as I feel.

"You stay for me falling asleep?" Of course Allie wouldn't give an answer. That's mostly the case.

"I can do that." Sierra takes Allie's hand in hers, stroking her thumb over her tiny knuckles. "What is wrong, cheeseball?"

"Mommy? You say Goodnight to daddy, okay? From me too."

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