Chapter 29

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"And you straight up said 'love alone doesn't make a great relationship?'" Athen asks, again. "You do realise it sounds so much like you're with him for the money, right?"

"What? No. It says that only because you love someone, it doesn't make a good relationship. If you're in an abusing relationship, you still love the other person and it's not a good one either."

"But you aren't in an abusing relationship, Sierra." Athena drops down beside me, taking my hand in hers. "And I highly doubt Atlas believes you're with him for the money."

"If he doesn't think that, then why wouldn't he answer my question?"

"Sweetie, your husband is difficult, you should know that by now," Athena answers, stroking her thumb over the back of my hand. "He knows you've married him for Allie at first. But you're staying because of him."

"He sure does know that!" my brother throws in from the sofa, only half listening to me crying about my fight with my husband. "He's Atlas."

"Shut up, Cody." Oh, yeah. I'm also mad at him.

Why do the only men I love tend to lie to me at all times?

It's been four years. Four whole years. And I'm only today finding out my brother has been COO of Storm's holdings inc for ages.

I had no idea what he was working at to be honest, but I didn't think it was that. I mean, one would've mentioned it, right? Apparently not.

"Auntie Sierra?" Hunter says as he walks into the living room. I'm surprised he still calls me "Auntie." I figured, since he's nine now, he would move on to just my first name. I was wrong.

He is holding Vienna's hand, but I doubt he does it voluntarily.

"Yeah?" I give Hunter a warm smile and hold a hand out for my daughter. The same daughter that would jump at the opportunity to get to me. But what she does instead shocks me more than anything ever could.

Vienna shakes her head, holding tighter onto her cousin.

"Vienna is being really clingy," he tells me.

"I can tell." By looking at my daughter, I can confidentially say she's tired. But that's kind of to be expected, given that it's an hour past her bedtime already. "Cupcake, you wanna go home?"

Vienna nods, then quickly let's go off her cousins hand to hold both of hers up. I pick her up, sitting her down on my lap.

"Athena, could you drive me to a hotel outside of Seattle?"

Her eyes widen, and suddenly my brother finds me more interesting than the ice hockey game on TV. "Hotel!" he blurts out. "Sierra, if you want time apart from Atlas, stay here. We have plenty of room. And you know my favourite sister is always welcome."

Glaring at him, I remind him, "I am your only sister."

"And the very best one too."

"Here's the first place he'll look for me," I say.

"You're leaving him?" Athena asks, her voice so thick, it almost sounds as though she's about to cry.

"Of course not. But I need time to think. I need space. Just...for a few days."

"Does he know that?" Cody asks.

I close my eyes, letting out a shaky breath. In all those four years, there wasn't one day I wanted to stay away from him.

Atlas and I have fought before. It's what happens when you spend a lot of time with one person. It's natural. But I've also never felt as betrayed as I do now.

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