Chapter 20

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Do you ever just lie in bed and do absolutely nothing? You feel nothing. Don't know what time it is and you don't really care either. You just stare blankly ahead, don't even think. You just...exist?

Yeah, me too.

But when you're a parent, you barely get to just exist. There's always things that need to be taken care of. Like—food, they want to play, or simply having an eye on said child.

Fortunately, I have a husband to help me out. Some parents don't have the privilege of a spouse. Hats off for them fighting through.

I do know Atlas asked Rai to take the kids tonight though, and I really appreciate it. I appreciate him granting me time to gather myself rather than throw me right back into life.

So now, I'm just lying in bed, my head resting on my husbands rest, listening to his heartbeat. For no real reason, hearing Atlas heart beat seems to calm me down.

"Did you know I wanted to email you?" I ask, suddenly remembering.

Atlas hasn't been talking really. I'm unsure if I like that or not. I know he means well, wants me to talk on my own terms. But silent Atlas scares me.

"When?" His hand strokes up my back, his fingers drawing figures.

"When I found out I was pregnant with Allie."

He snickers. "What would it have said?"

"Dear Mr. Storm, I regret to inform you that I'm pregnant. With your child. Congratulations," I say, "something like that."

His chest rumbles as he laughs. He presses a kiss to the top of my head, then holds me a little tighter. "I would've loved that."

"No, you wouldn't have. You probably would've stormed into Beau and my office and yell at me."

I can feel his move—assuming—he's shaking his head. "I don't yell. I do, however, get mad. And I most definitely would've asked you what kind of prank that is and why the hell you thought that was funny."

"Though, when I told you, you believed me right away."

His hand lies down on my waist, his thumb caressing my skin. "I didn't think you'd lie to me, Sierra. It would've been so stupid of you to do. I bet you knew if there was any other man that could've been the father, and you said Allie was mine when she wasn't, I would've found out and that would've brought up more problems than anything else."

I nod because he's right. Suddenly I remember that I still haven't told Atlas who said almost-rapist is...He also doesn't push me to tell him, though I know he's dying to find out.

God, Atlas is my husband. He deserves to know.

"I didn't recognise him, Atlas," I begin. Instantly, Atlas sighs, knowing very well what I'm talking about. Not only do I want to forget that just happened, but Atlas does too. "He looks nothing like I expected him to. He should be, what? fifty?"

I'm not sure if Atlas's silence means he's trying to figure it out himself, or if he's waiting for me to continue. Either way, I need a break before I start to sob again. I'm done crying for good...I hope.

"The russian guy?" Atlas finally speaks. I nod slowly, taking deep breaths. "Sierra, I'm not letting you out of my sight ever again."

I know he won't. Honestly, it's not even a surprise. Atlas has always been quite protective of me, right from the start, I'd say. He's only held back as much as possible for my sake. I know he always hated me staying back home when he went to work, but he respected my decisions.

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