Chapter 22

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"Daddy!" Allie yells just as she comes running inside after an hour of playing in the backyard.

"Take your shoes off when you come inside," Atlas says, not bothering to look up from his laptop. He sure knows Allie will come marching inside with her muddy shoes.

Allie runs back outside, takes off her shoes only to come running back inside. She jumps onto the couch, sighs dramatically long and falls over, her back leaning against her father's shoulder.

"Daddy, I have a secret to share," she announces. "I don't think you like it."

That gets his attention. Atlas closes his laptop and sets it down on the coffee table. I almost start to laugh but I try not to.

"Spit it out, cheeseball." He picks Allie up and sits her down on his lap.

She grabs onto his tie, twirling it around for a little while before she says, "A boy kiss me today."

Atlas's coughs, holding two fingers to his neck, checking his carotid artery for a pulse. I can't take it anymore, which is exactly why my laughter spills out of me like a dam breaking and water splashes out.

"A boy kissed you?" He makes sure he got that right. Allie nods, so his eyes snap to mine. "Nah, we're taking them out of daycare."

Allie loves daycare, Vienna not so much. But even if Allie hated it as well, making a few friends and learning to socialise is good for both of our daughters.

Vienna would disagree if she weren't fast asleep on a chaise in the backyard.

"No, daddy. He's my friend now."

Atlas shakes his head. "No, cheeseball. We've already discussed this. You don't get to have a boyfriend before the age of thirty."

Allie sighs again, falling over again, knowing very well that Atlas wouldn't let her hit the floor. "But, Daddy, I like him."

"No, you don't."

Allie turns around, facing me. "Mommy, why is daddy so mean?"

I smile at her, really trying not to laugh. As I say, "I think he's just joking." Allie and Atlas both look at me the same way.

Their heads tilt slightly sideways, eyebrows raised, calling me out on my bullshit.

Allie might have my face, but she sure as hell has her father's...everything else. The big mouth. The moods. The goddamn attitude. I cannot wait for her to get older.

I sure as hell don't want her growing up. But I am looking forward to seeing Atlas and Allie together when she's older. Imagine Allie at the age of sixteen, coming home with her first boyfriend, having a full on the Storm talk with one another.

On second thought...I don't think I want that happening. The house might blow up or something.

One Storm is bad enough, imagine two of them...

Suddenly, Allie climbs off her father's lap and crawls over to me, just casually lifting my shirt. She bends down, pressing her mouth to my stomach in a rather rough peck, to be honest.

Vienna and Allie both learned I'm pregnant good a month ago. Allie wasn't all too excited, Vienna, however, she was over the moon.

And yet, Allie is the one not being able to wait until he is born.

"Mommy?" I look down at my daughter, waiting on her to tell me whatever it is she has to say. "Why did you marry daddy?"

I was expecting anything. From what's for dinner to "how did this baby get inside of you"...anything. Anything but this.

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