Chapter 21

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I fucking hate KFC.

Not only do I know there is better chicken out there than what they serve here, but it's 

I already have more money than I know what to do with it, why the hell would I spend a little amount on food I can get for better somewhere else?

"Because you don't need to pay $500 to even get inside." Sierra's words come back to me from the very last time she made me come here.

I'd much rather pay my way inside a great restaurant than eat at a restaurant that's open for everyone. Everyone but rich people, apparently. And the tips they're expecting of me here...god, might as well buy the whole menu twice.

But what's even worse are the people in here taking pictures of my wife and me. They all think I don't notice them taking some, but I do. 

Now, I know I'm not some big celebrity, but people in Seattle and close around know me. They know my name and face to it. It's not that hard to have heard of me as I own almost every business here. Almost.

Just as Sierra and I take a seat, I can see one of the employees talk to another, pointing into our direction. I'm not sure why Sierra likes to come here.

"You probably don't know what to get, am I right?" Sierra smiles at me. It's a smile that instantly lets me forget we're at KFC and not some five-star restaurant I'd rather take her to.

"I surprisingly don't."

She chuckles, then quickly presses her lips to mine. "I'll go order for us. Don't yell at random people while I'm gone, okay?"

While she's gone? Where the hell does she think she's going?

As though she could read my mind—which she probably can—Sierra laughs. "You walk up to the register, order and they'll call out your number once your food is done."

So they're lazy too? What am I tipping for?

I grab her wrist, pulling Sierra back towards me as she's about to walk away. "Let me come with you." She shakes her head, still having a smile plastered on her face. 

Normally I'd love this smile, but I know it's only there because she is aware of the people around us. She's well aware of people taking pictures and soon selling them to magazines. If Sierra doesn't smile in those pictures, the tabloids will talk me bad once again.

Like the do so very often when they get pictures of my wife, kids and me.

On Allie's birthday, for instance, Sierra and I took Allie and Vienna to a waterpark. Vienna started crying because she was too overwhelmed with all these people around. Now guess what the tabloids said? 

They chose a picture of Vienna crying next to me, holding onto her favourite stuffed animal for dear life. Since I wasn't hugging my child and looked sort of annoyed, the headline read "Atlas Storm beats his daughters."

Like I would ever do that.

I know they get a hell lot of money out of this, but it's not fucking true. 

The truth behind that picture; I was looking for Vienna's pacifier because I knew that would calm her down. 

Sierra and I tried getting her off that thing for a while but as she wasn't even two yet and it did happen to soothe her, it was the way to go. All I wanted was to get Vienna to stop crying, and they made it out as though I was abusing my children.

Anyway, and picture of Sierra not smiling when we're together ends up talking me bad.

Yet another reason why I prefer my fancy and expensive restaurants. Privacy is valued there.

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