Chapter 2

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Connor awoke. 

Sitting up, he felt awfully drowsy. For a moment, he thought he had just fallen asleep at school. Until he realized he was sitting at the Poo Tree.  

The Poo Tree was a nickname the kids in the neighborhood had given a large mahogany tree, that for some reason always smelled like manure. No-one knew why. No-one really wanted to find out.  

Either way, the sun was setting and Connors heart-pounded as he remembered he had been kidnapped. The drowsiness left him and he was acutely aware of everything in his surroundings, the squirrels hustling in for a cold summer night, the slight breeze that just barely moved the leaves. Whispering.  

"He's definitely one of us." 

 "Yes, but he hasn't shown any sign of his Flaw. Even after the serum." 

 "Darci's right. Zane, what do you think?" 

 "I think he's awake." 

Connor gulped. They'd noticed him.  

Four figures walked up to him, all of them still masked. They all wore what seemed like regular clothing, except for the black, fingerless gloves that covered all of their hands.  

Connor couldn't tell who spoke. "Yeesh, I don't care if he has a Flaw or not, but he's definitely one of us." 

"Flaw?" Connor questioned. "Who are you people?" 

The boy with sandy blonde hair held out a hand. "The name's Zane. And this is Darci," He pointed to the dark haired girl. "That's Remy." He nodded at the person with maroon and blue hair. "And that's Felix." He jabbed a thumb at the girl wearing a baseball cap.  

They all waved half heartedly.  

Zane, Darci, Remy and Felix. Connor thought to himself. I can remember that for the authorities.  

Connor tried to subtly reach for the phone in his pocket. 

"Don't even think about it." said Felix, her arms crossed. Her tone seemed rather bored.  

"We already frisked you." Darci added.  

"Yup." Zane agreed. Remy held up Connor's smartphone.  

"Ok." Connor said, wondering if he should just surrender. "Why did you kidnap me?" 

Darci shifted. "Should we wait?" 

"Let's tell him now." Zane said. 

And one by one, they removed their masks.  

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