Chapter 12

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For the second time, Connor awoke.  

The bright lights of the infirmary confused him, and he had a sudden thought.  

Am I in heaven? 

A blurry face entered his eyeline. He blinked, clearing his vision. Felix glared down at him, a frown on her face.  

Nope, definitely hell.  

"Get your beauty rest, Potato?" Felix said, doing something to the IV drip above his head.  

"Where's everyone else?" Connor said, sitting up and feeling his head throb.  

"Darci and I got put on shifts. She's sleeping right now. Everyone else is searching for Marin." 

Connor was appalled. "They had YOU take care of ME?" 

"Beggars can't be choosers." She said with a yawn. "Plus, if something bad happened, I'm the only one who can carry your fat butt out of here." 

Connor wanted to argue that his butt was not fat, and reasonably sized for that matter, but decided it would be useless.  

"Where did Marin go?" he asked. 

Felix shrugged, acting like she didn't care, but Connor could see the worry in her tense stance. 

"Oh, is he awake?" 

Darci sat up from a cot diagonal from him. She rubbed her eyes. "Before you ask, Dr. Charles saw no major damage to you. He says to take it easy for a few days anyways." She turned to Felix. "Any updates on the others?" 

Felix shook her head, but turned up the volume on the walkie talkie at her belt just in case. 

Dead air.  

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