5 years later (Ru)

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Ru looked at her work.  

The room was beautiful. She turned to the cameras. "This is our after, doesn't the master bedroom look great?" 

Ru smiled at the cameras, as she spread out her arms. "Tada!" 

The cameraman signalled the wrap sign and grinned. "You're a natural at this! Alright, let's go to the next room." 

Ru felt a thrill inside her chest. She had gotten a green light from the 07 Agency to start her own TV show. The FBI had given up their search for them, most believing they were dead and finalizing that the search was pointless. If the mercury affected future generations, they would know.  

In the next room, was the kitchen and it reminded her awfully of the first house/apartment she designed. The dark cabinets, bright marble countertops, everything simple yet efficient and sharp. The dining room table was large enough for eight people. It brought hopeful tears to her eyes, at the thought of seeing her friends again.  

 But it was also a pointless wish, knowing that the agency wouldn't tell her the fake profiles they had been living as for the past five years. Taking a deep breath, she turned back to the cameras. "This is the dining room and kitchen. We took down this whole wall to open things up and changed out the old cabinets from the 70's. With the new space we were able to put in a large island, which can double as a mini bar and a huge dining room table for hosting more formal events. Overall," Ru wiggled her eyebrows as she said her catch phrase. "We designed harder than before." 

High fives with the crew. Endtro cut. Credits. Episode seven was finished. 

Ru sighed as she climbed into her car and turned on the radio. The song that came on made her laugh, remembering the experience she had with it. 

Always got the cops Coming after me

Custom built bike doing 103

My heart, my heart

Kickstart my heart 

And she began to sing.  

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