Chapter 13

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The breath was knocked out of Remy as his invisible self was slammed against the wall.  

The fight was brutal. Without Felix or Darci, and Zane being forbidden from using his Flaw, they were at a disadvantage.  

Once tracking down Marin, which wasn't hard due to the small tracker implanted in the soles of all their shoes, they had broken in and untied her. Just as they went to leave, an alarm went off and the room was quickly filled with ten operatives twice their size.  

Remy focused and felt their body phase practically out of existence and she slipped from the operatives grip. Bringing their density back, she landed on the floor and came up behind him. Standing on her tiptoes, they brought the side of her hand down at a specific point on his neck and... another enemy down.  

Spinning around, Remy looked to see where his help was needed. Marin was carefully drawing out energy, and two attackers were slowing. The girl had a long cut down the side of her face, from when the FBI agents had tried to torture information out of her. They didn't know which agent exactly, for they had broken into the old building when the torturer had just left, likely to find something more effective to break Marin. 

Zane was being held in a chokehold, squirming to be released. He stomped on the operatives foot, so hard you could hear a small crack through their boot.  

Zane was let go and he panted, but held his fists high, ready for whoever was next. 

Ru sang, quiet enough this time, so that only the people she wanted were affected. She grinned, the lyrics she spouted giving the operatives just the reaction she wanted. 

I'd catch a grenade for ya,

Throw my hand on a blade for ya,

Jump in front of a train for ya,

You know I'd do anything for ya,

But you won't do the same.  

Her victims attacked each other, fighting while Ru continued to sing.  

Ollie, Remy's personal favorite, had a fighting technique unlike any other.  

She fought one operative, while another unceremoniously ran into the wall over and over again. Doing the two things at once must have been difficult, for Ollie would often lose focus on her victim and he would stop, wondering why he was walking towards the wall, only to be taken over again and slammed against the sheetrock.  

Going invisible again, Remy threw himself towards Zanes' attacker and landed on their back. They immediately went into a panic, reaching behind them for something they couldn't see. Remy grabbed their head and violently jerked it to the side and they both went tumbling to the floor.  

Remy hopped to her feet and became visible again, brushing herself off. The tables have turned quickly, they thought with a grin. Let's get out of here. 

Ollie heard their thoughts and smacked her victim on the wall again and gave the other a good punch in the nose. Then, she dropped what she was doing and ran her way towards the door with Remy.  

Ru, Zane and Marin quickly caught on, following tensely in case any of the operatives had a sudden recovery.  

This was too easy, Ollie told Remy telepathically. Keep quiet and stay on your toes.  

She must have said the same to the others, because the tense mood became almost suffocating.  

They took the fire exit, no-one stopping them. It was almost as if they wanted them to leave. Zane stopped abruptly.  

"Check your clothes for trackers." he whispered urgently.  

"What about the ones in our shoes?" Ru questioned. "Do you think they hacked them?" 

Ollie gnawed on her lip and Remy had to resist putting a comforting arm around her. "Maybe. Let's take them off just in case." 

Silently, they took off their shoes and threw them in the bushes. It was almost ten o'clock at night, the summer sky was black and they worried that they could be easily ambushed in the darkness. 

Marin had been held far out of town, in an abandoned building on a few acres of farmland. It had taken 07 a while to find a way to get the BWF's out there, to bring her back. 

And the form of transportation wasn't the fastest in the world.  

Their five-seater bike was not only strange, but would draw attention to them, especially if someone were to see five teenagers furiously peddling on it.  

Either way, they gave no protest when taking it, knowing it was the best they would get, and sped away, hoping that Marin's life wasn't in severe danger.  

When Marin saw the bike, she gave a little eyebrow raise, wincing at the pain the movement caused on her face, but didn't say a word.  

Remy climbed onto the middle seat, and began to peddle. he noticed how sullen everyone was, and even though she was just as worried, Remy felt that they were being slightly overreactive. Yes, Marin had been kidnapped. Yes, the FBI was getting more information about them and their location, but maybe it was time for them to move. Being in one place as long as they had probably wasn't the best for wanted teens. 

As they got closer to the KempQuarters, the smell of smoke became apparent, and a soft glow in the distance caught their attention.  

Unanimously, they peddled faster. It was past midnight, they had been gone too long.  

When the factory came into view, Remy screamed and dismounted the bike. The other BWF's were right behind her, anxious chatter breaking out as they ran towards the wreck.  

The whole thing was up in flames. 

Remy searched the clump of people who had gotten out in time, being treated by ambulance workers. All of them looked like factory workers on the nightshift. No sign of any BWF's.  

A horrible thought hit Remy, and they inhaled sharply. It all made sense. 

The FBI had kidnapped Marin, knowing that some would have to stay behind to watch over Connor, while the others went to retrieve her. It was all a distraction, so they could burn down the KempsQuarters.  

And everyone inside it.  

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