5 years later (Marin)

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Marin couldn't contain her excitement. 

The golden retriever licked her face, yipping with happiness. Finally, Marin could take her home.  

It had taken her months to convince her landlord to let her keep a dog on the premises. But today was finally the day where she could take Milli home.  

 Milli's tail wagged furiously as she followed Marin out to her car. The Cadillac waited for them in the parking lot. As she helped the small pup into the passenger seat, it reminded her of Albert, the little rhino.  

It made her laugh, the memory of seeing Albert covered in sawdust, having spent the day outside with Dr. Charles. He had always been an upbeat little thing, even though he wasn't with any of his own kind, which had been a risk they had taken when taking him in.  

Marin continued to drive down the highway, Milli squirming all the way back to the apartment. On the way in, the landlord gave her an annoyed look but allowed her to come inside.  

In her room, Marin set Milli down and the puppy ran straight for the closet, sniffing something inside. Marin followed, watching as Milli stood up on her hind legs and sniffed a dress hanging towards the back.  

The blue one from the wedding. 

Unable to contain the nostalgia that filled her, she pulled it out and tried it on. It was a little short, (Marin had grown three inches since she had last worn it) and a bit tighter.  

But looking in the mirror, Marin saw her 10th grade self, staring back at her. 

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