Chapter 11

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Marin was closing her laptop when a hand clamped over her mouth from behind.  

 She had been doing some hardcore research while everyone else was in the FTR. She preferred doing it then, when the chaos of being homeschooled with other BWF's wasn't completely surrounding her. Plus, the connection was better. 

Marin was researching any possible way to put her Flaw to good use. Anything that could help a person, transfer a healthy person's energy to someone who needed it.  

But then there was the part about controlling it. If she were to do it in a hospital setting, she could accidentally transfer some person's very important reserves of energy to someone who didn't need it.  

Even when she had simply given the smallest amount of energy to Darci, she had pulled some from not only Connor, but three other Kemps workers from inside the building.  

Ready to end for the day, Marin pushed back from her desk, with a sigh. She had spent two hours reading articles, while chaos (or fun) raged from the FTR. The singing had told her Ru returned from Africa, finished picking up the last supplies to help them raise a rhino.  

 Marin closed her laptop and began to stand up, when a cold hand covered her mouth.  

Instinctively using her self defense skills, she elbowed the attacker in the gut, then brought her fist straight back, hopefully to hit him or her right in the nose.  

Another cold hand caught her own before it collided with a face, and twisted her arm behind her back, causing pain to flare.  

In a swift move, the attacker kicked her feet out from under her, sending her to the floor. She tried to fight, but could no longer see anything as they pulled a bag over her head, hand still keeping her jaw shut.  

Marin knew that this person had to have known her schedule and planned the perfect time to attack, when her friends were away, distracted by the means of training for situations similar to the one she was in. 

Gloves, Her brain said. Get them off!

The attacker read her mind, holding her to the ground with their bodyweight as they tied her wrists so tight, the bindings dug into her skin. They had done it all with a hand still over her mouth, muffling her cries for help. If Marin knew one thing about the attacker, it was that they had skills.  

Once finished with the wrists, they moved onto the ankles, and back to the bag on her head. They synched it shut, loose enough so she could breathe, but tight enough where Marin's vocal cords wouldn't be of use.  

Slinging Marin across their back, the attacker jumped over an office chair and silently slipped out the door. Marin did her best to squirm and make life ultimately harder for them, but had no luck. They were out of her league.  

Now that she had been successfully kidnapped, Marin began a new strategy. She listened for certain things that would give away their position. Cars, factories, people, anything. But the attacker thought of that, taking the most complicated way possible, just to confuse Marin.  

After about an hour of riding on the attackers back, Marin wondered how far they had gone, how long it would take before someone noticed her absence back at the KempQuarters, and if the FBI was behind it all.  

And when the sound of a door opening filled the air, and the wind stopped, Marin knew they had entered a building.  

The attacker dropped her on the floor with a thud. Someone spoke. 

"Which one is this?" 

"The energy one. Caught her away from everyone, gloves on. Got lucky." 

"Fantastic. We'll begin testing immediately, but you still have work to do." 

Marin could almost hear the smirk on their face. "One down, six to go." 

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