Chapter 16

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A large wood board fell from the ceiling, and Felix dove out of the way, avoiding being set on fire.  

She had lost Aunt Ellie in the chaos, and just hoped she was going to make it out ok. She had to hope that Connor and Darci were safe as well.  

Felix furiously wiped her eyes, the smoke causing them to fill with water all over again as she ran half blind towards the exit.  

In the distance she heard a faint, "Don't be the hero, Zane!" and jolted to a stop in her tracks.  

Zane? Inside the building? 

It made sense, Zane tended to do stupid things when it came to the danger of his family, but Felix didn't think about it long. She needed to find him and his idiotic behind.  

She broke into a sightless run, head down, calling his name. Felix had no idea where to go, just anywhere but the flames. 

Lucky, or not, Felix couldn't decide if she was when she ran right into someone, sending them backwards because of her strength. She blinked, and wiped her eyes again. "Who's there?" 

"Jeez, Felix, your head hurts." 

Felix let out a sigh of relief, before putting on her over defensive mask. 

"Look where you're going next time. Are Connor and Darci out?" 

"Not that I know." he said, panic rising in his voice. "Where are they?" 

Felix's heart pounded. "I sent them out a long time ago. We have to look." 

Together, they scrambled throughout the wreckage, as Felix coughed. The smoke was getting to her. When her hacking stopped, a voice carried over 

"Darci, get up!" 

Felix glanced at Zane, a silent way of asking if he heard the voice as well. Zane nodded as more speech sounded. "Darci, if you give up, I will feed you the flames myself, STAND UP!"  


Felix and Zane were almost overcome by flames as they rose fifteen feet into the air, burning platinum white. Felix felt like the skin on her face was going to melt off as she hit the ground. It was almost like the temperature had been dialed up to beyond boiling point.  

"Felix, look!" 

Felix glanced up warily. The flames had gone down again and she could see Connor standing over a collapsed figure. Zane started towards them.  

Felix ran to Darci and picked her up. Connor looked determined, as Zane said to him, "Get us out of here." 

By some magical miracle, Connor stepped towards the flames, and fire scrambled out of the way, as if his touch was acid.  

 With that system, Darci slung over Felix's back, they were out in three minutes.  

Ambulances surrounded the place, fire trucks were everywhere. A young fireman ran up to them, giving Felix an odd look, likely because of the fact she had a human the same size as her easily swung over her shoulders. "Lets get y'all checked up. Do you know if there's anyone else inside?" 

 The three shook their heads, and Felix let out a dry cough as the fireman took Darci, rushing her to an ambulance. The other three were given check ups and blankets for the early autumn chill.  

The KempQuarters was gone. Darci was severely hurt and the others suffered minor injuries. All of their things were destroyed. And as they stood their shivering, more fear than the cold, Felix had to tell herself one thing.  

At least we made it out alive. 

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