The final van arrived and a sense of dread ran through him.
Connor looked around at his friends and felt water rising in his eyes but quickly blinked them away. He had to stay strong.
The day had come. And everything hurt.
Faces of despair greeted him when he turned around. Ru was furiously wiping away tears, while Remy cried into Ollie's shoulder. Zane squeezed Felix's shoulder so tight, his knuckles were white and Felix glared at the ground, fists clenched. Marin half hugged Darci, who chewed on her lip, glancing at the vans and helicopters that surrounded them.
Connor inhaled sharply. "I-"
All words were lost in the sudden, large embrace that surrounded him, and Connor was unable to hold back the flood. He cried, he cried like a baby, but he wasn't alone. Hiccuping sobs, sniffles and cries of sadness filled the air as the drivers waited impatiently.
They had always had each other, been there to catch them in the figurative trust fall. Yes, they had been separated before, but at least with one other BWF.
"Hurry up kids." the Sergeant said impatiently.
But they couldn't hurry up. They were about to leave the only others that were like themselves. The ones they had grown up with. Their love interests. Their siblings. Their friends.
Their family.
"Now!" the Sergeant commanded, but his voice cracked with emotion. "You'll be ok kids. Life goes on."
They nodded sullenly, slowly moving away from each other and picking up the small suitcase of belongings they were allowed to bring.
"Bye." Connor croaked.
"See ya later, alligator."
"After a while, crocodile."
Connor forced himself not to look back as the van he rode in drove away. That was it. As soon as they left the county, all files, birth certificates, passports, etc, anything that gave knowledge of their existence would be destroyed. They would start new lives, with new names at new schools, with new backgrounds.
But to make things worse, was the vaccine
Once they made it to their destination, they would be given a vaccine to dilute the mercury in their bodies, therefore the Flaws would be gone.
They would no longer have a piece of who they were.
No longer Flawed.
Actiona bunch of teenagers with superpowers are on the run from scientists, their powers are ruining their lives and everything is falling apart, but that's normal, right?