Chapter 7

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Darci took off her gloves. 

Letting them flutter to the floor, she took a deep breath and thought, Mountain goat.  

With a little bit of a run, Darci sprung forward, immediately landing on her feet, in perfect balance on the climbing wall. Her hands hung unneeded at her side. With a satisfied sigh, she thought, Spider.  

Darci gripped the wall and sped up it, leaving the ground far below her. 

Faster, she told herself. Let's combine this with a little cheetah speed. 

Bam, she climbed so fast, it barely looked like her limbs were moving. From below, it looked like teleportation. Darci's breath became quick, moving up the wall at her top speed of 75 mph.  

Her hand slipped.  

Darci had focused a little too hard on the cheetah attributes, she lost the spider skills, making it easy for her to slip. As Darci fell, she realized all of this, but much too late.  


Darci hit the gymnastic mats with cry, pain spiking in her shoulder. Uncontrollably, she took on the attributes of a house cat, and a rumble in her throat told her that she was purring. The purring vibrations of a cat were known to have strange abilities to prevent swelling and even mend bones, in addition, cats use it as a coping mechanism. Without gloves, Darci couldn't make herself stand up and walk to the infirmary.  

Thankfully, Ollie was at her side quickly, followed by Felix, Remy and Connor. They knew what to do when Darci pushed herself too hard.  

Remy ran for Darci's gloves, while Ollie helped make sure her shoulder was braced as Felix picked her up. Connor and Remy slipped the gloves on and Darci quit purring, the vibration gone.  

"You got to quit doing that." Ollie scolded, but her soft green eyes were worried. "Someday, you're gonna break your spine and we won't be able to fix you."

 Connor kicked open the door and guided them in as Remy ran ahead to step up a bed and grab a doctor. Darci didn't speak in case it made things worse. 

Things were settled quickly, her dislocated arm pushed back into place, and a small check up for other injuries.  

Doctor Charles chuckled as he handed Darci some pain medication. "If I don't see you here about once a week, I'll be worried." 

Darci rolled her eyes and took the bottle of Advil from him. "Thanks." 

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