Chapter 5

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The Flaw Training Room was large, filled with different types of equipment, weights, and uniforms.  

Zane waved to the dark grey overalls. "Those are the ones up for grabs. Find one that fits ok-ish. Mom loves to tailor them, and she'll be here later. And  we want to find your Flaw before then, change quickly. 

 The two boys entered the locker room and kindly turned away from one another as they slipped into the uniforms. Connor's was a little long in the sleeves, but otherwise fit well.  

In the FTR, Zane told him to take off his gloves. "It'll be hard to figure it out when the power is reduced. Ever since we kidnapped you, have you noticed anything different about yourself?" 

Connor thought back to the few times he had been told his skin was burning. "Uh, I'm hot?" 

Zane rolled his eyes. "Yes, we all are dude. I'm talking about after you woke up at the Poo Tree." 

Connor shook his head. "No, my skin has been compared to the heat of flame. Remy said so. And Darci." 

"Interesting. Can you try melting something?" 

Connor placed his hands on a dumbbell, closing his eyes. When nothing happened, he tried a wooden sword. That had to be more flammable.  

 The smell of smoke filled the air. Connor opened his eyes to see that nothing had happened to the sword, but rather, his armpits were smoking. Panicking, he lifted his arms to try and blow out the flame, but his concern was unneeded. The fire wasn't burning him, rather sending a warm comforting feeling throughout his body.  

Zane was unfazed. "Huh. The serum does really speed things up. Now, do I need to get a fire-extinguisher or can you put your gloves back on?" 

Connor wordlessly chose the latter, slipping the gloves over his hands. The pressure worked quickly and the fires in his underarms sputtered out. "At least they stayed in one place?" he said nervously.  

Zane opened his mouth to answer, but was interrupted by Darci calling from afar. "Zane! Connor! Aunt Ellie brought ice cream from upstairs!" 

 "Aunt Ellie's my mom." Zane said, as they sped to the lockers to change. "Bring your uniform, she'll be able to fix it." 

Connor wondered if he meant the gaping holes in the armpits, or the length of the sleeve.  

Back in the control room, (Connor learned that was where they monitored the security cameras, they held daily meetings, and were homeschooled), pints of different flavors of ice cream sat out, up for grabs by everyone there. There were already multiple empty pints in the trash. 

Whoa. Connor thought. They have the same large appetite as me!  

 "Help yourself." Remy said as she entered. "But be quick though, the Ice Queen has eaten two already." 

Felix looked up from her laptop, coffee ice cream in her mouth. "Excuse me?" 

 "What?" Remy asked. "Would you prefer Frozen Broccoli?" 

Connor made a mental note that Remy had an obsession over nicknames and doubled to the part to not get on her bad side. 

 Aunt Ellie smiled. "Nice to meet you, Connor." She held out a hand for his uniform. "I bet it's been quite a day for you. We've already contacted your parents, you'll be staying at the KempQuarters for a while." 

 "Cool." Connor said, picking up a cookie monster ice cream. "Let me guess, the appetite thing has to do with our Flaws." 

"Ding, ding, ding!" Marin said, scooping up another spoonful. "He's catching on! Hand it over, everyone." 

The BWF's pulled cash out of their pockets and placed it into Marin's outstretched hand. "Thank you." 

Out of the corner of his eye, Connor saw Remy pull the girl with chin length brown hair towards the FTR. They disappeared through the doorway.  

"Should we go after them..?" Connor asked awkwardly.  

"No." Darci said. "Ollie and Remy are a sacred couple within the 07 Agency." 

"Ok then..." Connor said, and shoved ice cream in his mouth to seem normal. 

But he knew. He was a BWF now, and normal had never existed.  

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