You're Hot and Like Sad Books

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Warnings: Language, Sexual Situations, Tony Stark's Sexiness, Dirty Talk, Swearing, Using Slang terms for body parts

Welcome to the next chapter everyone! BTW, the SMUT is smutty, and if it's not your cup of tea, don't hate, please. Hate comments are deleted. This is a safe open space where there is only acceptance and love.

18+ only please for sexy times! If you are younger, the sexy times will be marked with a bunch of AAAAAAAA's  and a Smut Warning. So please, for my sanity and the LAW, skip that section!

Stella P.O.V

        By the time I was done training with Nat it was well into the afternoon. I was dripping with sweat, thirsty as hell, and exhausted both physically and mentally. While we had taken 5 minute breaks periodically throughout the day where I had been able to drink plenty of water and get a few minutes of rest in, I was still drained. All I wanted to do right now was lay down and pretend that I had died from over exertion and exercise. Seriously how was exercise good for you when it made you feel this worn out? Not only that, but I felt absolutely disgusting. I was ready to jump into the rainfall shower that Tony had installed in my bathroom and get myself squeaky clean. Plus I was curious to see what a rainfall shower would feel like, and if the side jets could help relax all of my stiff muscles. 

       Besides wanting to feel clean, I was in need of and ready for some serious cuddle time. Nothing sounded better to me right now than being curled up in one or all of my guys' laps with their arms wrapped around me as we simply held each other. However, that wasn't going to happen until I washed the smell of hard work and the gym off of my body. With having 3 Avengers as soulmates, I knew that they would be used to the smell of hard work and not too disgusted by the odor and feel of my sweat soaked body. On the contrary, I'm sure that they would understand perfectly well how it felt to be gross after a work out. At the same time, I'm a woman and I want to feel good and comfortable in my body while also impressing/not disgusting my loves. So, with that thought in the forefront of my mind, I headed to the common area in search of someone with whom I could cuddle with after my much needed shower.

         Sadly, Clint wasn't an option. I was no pro at self-defense or fighting yet, nor did I think I would ever be, and I definitely wasn't a challenge for Natasha. The fierce red headed assassin didn't get winded or sweaty at all while she was teaching me, which meant that my training session hadn't been enough of a workout for her. So, in thanks for teaching me and also to blow off some steam I'd bet, Clint offered to stay and do some sparring with her. That or he just wanted to spend time with his partner and get a workout in. The traitor. Which left me with either Steve or Tony as body pillow companions.

        When I walked into the common area, I found it completely devoid of all life. Seriously there was nothing alive in the room at all. If I was going to be staying here for any prolonged amount of time, we needed to at the very least, get some plants in here. Maybe a nice fern by the bar area, or even some little flowering cacti to go on the counter tops. Hell Tony was rich, maybe we could get a palm tree to go in the corner? Either way, we needed something to make it more welcoming and less sterile feeling in here. Who wanted to live in a cold and lifeless space? Certainly not me! I preferred comfort over sparsely decorated high end areas any day of the week.

        More than that, there wasn't any sign of any intelligent lifeforms anywhere. Not human, and definitely not Asgardian. There was no Thor reclining on the long red couch that he seemed to favor as he watched some form of cartoon for entertainment. In a way, he truly was like a giant kid with how much he enjoyed the simple things on earth. For example he really loved the sunset, blowing bubbles, Pop Tarts, Mac and Cheese (his new favorite dinner because of the shape of the noodles I was told), chocolate chip cookies, and all day marathons of cartoons and or Disney movies. From the gossip vine aka Tony, I knew that Tom and Jerry or Loony Tunes episodes would amuse him for hours on end and were his absolute favorites. Trust me, I would know. Tony complained to me enough about it when we talked on the phone.

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