My Angel

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Warning: Swearing, Sexual References

Tony P.O.V.

      All my life I had had everything basically handed to me. Clothes. Cars. Money. Everything I could ever possibly need was mine with a snap of my fingers and the swipe of a black card. I wasn't used to having to wait for anything, so I never did. With my Father never being around, it was easy to convince my mom to look the other way unless I was doing something against her "moral code" or whatever. It also helped that I was a certified genius. My father was the Founder and Head of Stark Industries. Being a genius himself, he created and designed many of the weapons that helped us win WWII as well as the atomic bomb. At the ripe old age of twenty-one after his sudden passing, I had inherited his spot on the throne as King of the weapons kingdom he had built. 

        I came by my genius genetically as well as my charming and dashing good looks. All three of those things plus my debonair attitude towards life, ended up working in my favor in almost everything I did. School was easy. Too easy actually, and I ended up graduating MIT at the ripe old age of seventeen. Women threw themselves at me because of my money and looks which worked in my favor whenever I had an itch I needed to scratch. They never truly satisfied me though. Only one person ever would. My soulmate, the one thing that didn't come to me easily.

        My soulmate. The person that was represented by that delicate golden rose that lay on my bicep. It was the exact shade of gold that I had put on my Iron Man Suits, with the exact same shade of red that was found on my mark. My uncompleted soulmark was like a beacon to everyone saying, "look I have a soulmate, but I haven't found them yet." God I waited. How I waited for him or her. Waiting had never been my strong suit, I was used to getting what I wanted when I wanted it, and my parents didn't make the waiting any easier. Most parents would support their child in their wait for their "destined."

        Instead it was the farthest thing from easy. What with my dad always breathing down my neck about going out and searching for them, and my mom always meant well, but she just couldn't seem to get the whole parenting thing down. That and she wanted grandchildren which I refused to give her at that point in my life. The only one who would be baring my children would be my soulmate, that or we would adopt. She wanted me to just "settle down"with a nice girl from an equally wealthy family who would, "make me a good wife." I loved them though, so when they died, I gave up hope of ever finding my soulmate. After all, if I couldn't save my parents from a car accident, how could I possibly deserve to find my soulmate? How could I even dream about keeping them safe?

       So I did what I did best, I lost myself in my work, parties, booze, and women, and you know what? It still didn't fill that ache in my chest. That feeling of emptiness and loneliness that seemed to come and haunt me every time I laid down to sleep at night, was still there no matter what I did.

       Becoming Iron Man and joining the Avengers was probably the most badass and selfless thing I had ever done, and it made me feel good about myself. I would never admit this to anyone, but I enjoyed saving the world and helping people. So when I saw that Goody-Two-Shoes Steve Rogers and THE Master Assassin Clint Barton shared the exact same soulmark as me down to the very smallest detail, I was Pissed! My soulmate was supposed to be MINE and no one else's, and now I had to share her with my coworkers! Granted we were becoming fast friends but that was besides the point. Sadly I'd have to get used it, for my Soulmates sake should we ever meet.

       And I did get used to it. Eventually. After many sleepless nights, some street racing with Happy, and scotch. Lots and lots of scotch, with some brandy thrown in occasionally to spice things up a bit.

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