So . . . What's Hydra?

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Warnings: Swearing, Healing,

        I felt like a princess. 

        No! I felt like their Queen. Spoiled beyond measure, with everything I could possibly need right at the tips of my fingers. It was overwhelming. It was way too much. It was . . . . sweet. I hadn't had anyone to ever truly take care of me before besides my mother, but she was working all the time. Now, I had these three seemingly tough guys, showing me who they really were, and taking care of my needs before I even knew I had them.

         It was flattering. It was endearing. I was pretty sure I was falling in love. Just the thought of finally falling in love. Of finally being able to go up to someone and being like, "Hey see those three handsome devils over there? Yeah they're my soulmates." I was so excited about the prospect of doing that, and every opportunity that came along with it. My heart was racing, and I could feel myself blushing just thinking about it. But first things first, I needed to focus, because I felt absolutely disgusting.

        Tony was right though, the baths jets felt absolutely amazing on my battered and bruised skin. Not only that, but it was helping my muscles relax, so that they weren't in such a tensed up position. I wasted no time when it came to washing the day off of me, and got right to work. Using some lovely rose scented body wash, and a purple loofah, I began to scrub. It didn't take me long to gently, but firmly, clean my skin of the dried blood and grime from earlier. After I was clean, I carefully stepped out onto the deep blue bath mat, and began to drain the bloody, and dirty water from the tub. 

        Now that I didn't look like a Thriller Reject Project, I could enjoy a second, and much longer soak in my hottub like bathtub. I couldn't wait! Soon the muddy pink water was done swirling down the drain, and it left a rim of dirt and blood in its wake. No way was I going to relax in a dirty bathtub that was covered in my own biohazardous materials. So I used some cold water to rinse the tub out one more time, just to get the last of my blood and the dirt from around the rim. It was then replaced by brand new, fresh, steaming hot water, that I was very eager to dip my toes into.

        The cupboard that Tony had directed me to earlier was easy enough to find. It was a corner cupboard right above the marble ledge surrounding the bathtub, and built into the wall. That thing wasn't coming off anytime soon, so I opened the door and was stunned by what I found. With a billionaire as a mate though, I really shouldn't have been. Inside were various shampoos, conditioners, body washes, bubble baths, bath bombs, and several other things that I had never even heard of, and I was a woman! I thought I knew almost all of the spa products on the market, apparently I was wrong. This was a girls dream cupboard for anything, and everything, she could ever possibly want for a little or a lot of spa time. In my injured state, I didn't think it would be a good idea to use any of the fancier products with my open wounds, so I just grabbed the shampoo and conditioner. I would save the other stuff for later.

        When I turned back around after grabbing my supplies, I saw that the tub was filled up to just the right level with clear water. With a delighted grin on my face, I slipped right on into the steaming, heavenly tub. The jets were turned on low, gently massaging my muscles, and working out all the kinks that the day had created. As well as relieving a good portion of my physical pain.

        Now that I was calming down, and not as distressed, I took in the room around me. Not only was this room as big as my bedroom in my apartment, but it seemed as though they were keeping the "ocean theme," for all of my rooms so far. The walls were painted to look like waves, crashing onto a rocky shoreline. On that shoreline, there was a large grey rock, which was painted just to the side of where I was reclining right now. What I hadn't been expecting to see, was a beautiful mermaid with her tail dipping into the foamy ocean waves, waving and smiling at me. The scales on her tail were made up of different shades of red. From the deepest, to the lightest shades you could imagine her tail was perfection. What made it stand out even more though, was that you could make out each individual scale, if you bothered to looked hard enough. Her stereotypical seashell bra, was made up of the whitest shells you could find in the oceans scenery, with even more reds and purples scattered throughout the strings that held it together.

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