New Reality and New Friends

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  Warning: Swearing

     Waking up the next few mornings was surreal to say the least. Before I had left the Avengers Tower earlier that week, not only had Tony added me to his "secret" panel giving me security access to EVERY floor in the tower including his own. I had also done what Clint and Steve had asked me to do. I got everyones phone numbers from Tony. So now in my phone under "code names," I had everyones contact information. After all I couldn't exactly put Iron Man or Clint Barton into my contacts list now could I?

      I thought I would just be getting one cell phone number per person, two max, but Tony had felt the need to disagree and give me everyones everything. Their everyday cell numbers were just the tip of the iceberg. I also got a bunch of Emergency only numbers that were only to be used in certain situations, and those situation were quite odd to say the least. Well odd to me anyway. Who knew which of the Avengers had encountered these scenarios and how many times?

      The Emergency1 number was only to be used in case the world was coming to an end. The Emergency2 number was only to be used if MY world was coming to an end. Emergency3, only to be used if bullet wounds are present anywhere on my body. Emergency 4, was only to be used if I was suffering from severe burn wounds. Emergency5, for some reason a Nuclear Holocaust has broken out, call Tony he'll know what to do. Emergency6, help I'm being eviscerated! Emergency7, why am I being incinerated? Emergency8, only to be used if kidnapped by a government official. And my personal favorite, Emergency9, only to be used if sinking in a ship off the coast of Cuba after a night of bad Mexican food. No joke people, each Avenger had this many numbers and they were all listed under these categories.

       I had at first protested vehemently against having ten numbers for ALL six of the Avengers. I mean really, did I truly need sixty numbers added to my miniscule and cheap phone in one day?  Those were extremely unlikely scenarios and I was getting their normal numbers as well! However Tony insisted that it would make him feel better knowing that I would always have a way to contact him if need be, and that I would have a way of letting him know I was safe in any situation. Being incinerated didn't sound very safe to me, but I didn't bother arguing with the man at this point. He was very determined. Begrudgingly I let him add all of the numbers to my phone. It was worth it when I saw how it made him feel better and a cocky little half grin took over his face. Smug bastard, but I ended up smiling back. His grin was contagious, what else could I say.

      So for the past three days it was back to work for me, making coffee and selling muffins like I had never left and nothing life changing had happened. The only person outside of the Superhero family, Pepper, and Happy that knew about my newly changed soulmate status was my Landlord and Manager Leon. Truthfully I didn't even want to tell him, but when I came back to work the following Saturday after my day off I was acting "odd." Apparently I was "spacing out," and I had made the wrong coffee for someone a minimum of six times that day. I drank a lot of messed up coffee orders that day and didn't get one wink of sleep that night because of it. So in the end I ended up explaining everything, and after I told him he completely understood. Apparently it was another one of those things that was normal for recently mated soulmates. Each person in the bonded pair would feel a separation like I did that first day away from their partner and would be acting out of character. That was something that would have been nice to know before going back to work, or I would have taken the day off like any sane person would have and stayed home.

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