Honey Honey

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Warnings: Swearing, Refrence to previous chapters light smut,


        Waking up after my short nap, was one of THE most wonderful and peaceful experiences that I had ever experienced in my life. I was aware of my surroundings, but I kept my eyes closed and breathing even, as I laid on my human pillow in complete bliss. All of my muscles were fully relaxed for the first time since Clint and Steve had left on their mission. I can say with full honesty that I was happy.

        There were large fingers gently carding through my hair, which caused me to hum in contentment. My one weakness had been found. Having my hair played with was my kryptonite. I would agree to anything if my hair was being played with. The hard muscles underneath my cheek were firm and warm, as they rose and fell in time with my own breathing. Not only that, but the body heat that Steve was radiating was keeping me plenty warm. So much so in fact, that even in my state of partial undress I didn't need a blanket. Which was a usual must for me. I loved being surrounded by blankets, and their coziness. It was like being wrapped in a perpetual hug.

        I remembered every wonderful moment that led up to me falling asleep. So I knew that it was Steve who I was currently laying on top of. He didn't seem to mind it though. If the way he was playing with my hair, and the quiet song he was humming was anything to go by, I would say he actually enjoyed having me laying atop him. Slowly I opened my eyes, and was greeted to the splendidly flawless sight of a shirtless Steve Rogers. Granted I was still in my bra and underwear, and not looking nearly as sexy as that hunk of man flesh (in my own opinion). But at least I wasn't alone in my state of undress.

        His muscles were beyond compare.  I mean they were large, firm, and somehow unmarred by the test of time. They made my mouth water. I stared at them wistfully for a moment, because sadly, I didn't have time to touch them to my hearts content right now. When I turned my head so that my chin was resting on his chest. Our eyes made contact, my brown to his blue. It was as if the world stopped spinning, as I gazed into the bottomless depths of his irises. They showed all of the kindness and love that he held in his heart and soul. I don't know what I did to deserve this man, but I was selfish, and would do anything to keep him.

        "Hey doll, how was your nap?." He asked me with a warm hearted smile on his face. I almost purred like a kitten, as he continued to run his fingers through my hair.

        "Hey honey, it was wonderful." I replied honestly. I blinked my eyes a few times to adjust to the light, and being awake.

        You would think I had just awarded him the Nobel Peace Prize with the way he was smiling down at me. "What?" I questioned him as I blushed. To distract myself from his intense stare, I started to use my finger to draw little designs on his chest. Looking into that thousand watt smile for prolonged periods of time had to be either really bad for my health, or really good for it.

        "I like that." He simply said.

        "Like what?" I was so confused. Me, when I've just woken up, is not a very smart me. It usually takes me about thirty minutes to really get my brain going, and to become the smart and witty person that most people love to hate.

        Instead of being aggravated that I wasn't following his train of thought, he simply looked endeared. "Honey. I liked it when you called me honey."

        "Oh!" I blushed. "Well you are. My honey that is. Right?" I gazed into his eyes waiting for his answer. Though deep down I felt I knew it. His verbal confirmation would make me feel a lot more secure in our budding relationship.

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