Tony Time

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     Being curled up on Tony after Steve and Clint left was relaxing to say the least. He had made sure that I was comfortably laying in between his legs with my head on his chest, and that his arms were wrapped around me keeping me warm. After doing the second bonding with Clint, and the kisses I had shared and received today from all of my men, I was ready to simply relax and spend some quality time with Tony. One of the Star Wars movies was playing on his giant flat screen television in the background, and I listened to it as I also listened to his heartbeat and traced his Arc Reactor with my pointer finger. The science behind that small piece of technology fascinated me. He fascinated me.

     All throughout the movie I could feel little kisses being pressed against the top of my head, the gentle brush of his facial hair against my skin, and the occasional nuzzle to the side of my neck. Not only that, but one of his hands ran up and down my back. Rubbing it in such a soothing motion, that I would have fallen asleep if it hadn't of been for the noises on the TV screen jolting me into awareness every once in a while.

      Normally I wasn't this clingy or open with my affection. Not having friends growing up and only relying on my mom had made me very stingey when showing my care for other people. But something about being around the three of my men, had me wanting to stay wrapped up in their arms forever. Lavishing them with my love and kisses and being showered with it in return. Each of them made me feel something different and gave off a different vibe to me, and I couldn't get enough of it.

     Tony made me feel cared for and small, like I didn't have to worry about anything as long as he was there. He would take care of everything, I just had to listen.

     Steve made me feel like I was a gift. The way he looked at me, and the way he touched me. It made me feel like I was made of glass and the most precious thing in the world.

     Clint made me feel safe. When in his arms, I had nothing to fear and he would take care of everything. I just had to sit back and let him guide me.

     I contributed too our dynamic as well though. I made them feel something new that they had been lacking in there lives before. The subtle signs they had shown me so far made me absolutely certain of this. For Clint, I gave him something to fight for and come home to. For Steve I gave him light when before there was only work and darkness. With Tony I gave him happiness. When before there was always a hole in his chest that went unfulfilled, now there was only contentedness and the beginning stirrings of love. We balanced each other out. They matched parts of my personality that I didn't even know I had and vice versa. We were each others Yin and Yang. Perfect harmony was reached when we were together.

     I wasn't a soulmate expert like the college professors who had doctorates in the subject, and when it was time to learn about "the birds and the bees" and "soulmates," I wasn't allowed to take those classes in school. The teachers and the parents of my fellow students didn't "want their children to get any ideas," or "have to explain how unnatural I was," to their children. So I didn't know if this feeling of pure serenity I was feeling was normal or not. There was more than just serenity though, I felt happiness, a sense of safety, and a sense of wholeness I had never experienced before. For goodness sake I was already calling Steve, Clint, and Tony MINE.  That had to mean something right?

     I know that I can't ask Steve or Clint any of my questions as they had just left on a mission and I would hate to distract them, and who knows how long they would be gone for. However I did have a third soul mate curled up with me, that happened to be a Certified Genius with multiple PhD's that I hoped would answer any questions I might have.

     "Hey Tony?" I shifted a little bit so that I was looking up at him and my chin was resting just below his Arc Reactor. I didn't want to get to close to it or put any weight on it because I didn't 100% know all that it did, but I did know that it powered his Iron Man suits.

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