Close Calls

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Warnings: Swearing, violence, sexual harassment, mentions of death by natural causes, hardships due to immigration, Drama, ATTEMPTED SEXUAL ASSAULT PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!

If sexual assault is a sensitive or taboo subject for you to read feel free to skip that part. I will mark when it begins and ends with the usual AAAAAAAAAAA( for Avengers of course).

A/N: I am not an immigrant, so I'm going off of stories I've heard on the news. Also the warnings may seem a bit long, but I really don't want anyone going into a chapter unprepared for what they may read.

        It was laundry day. Now usually there is nothing wrong with laundry day. I do it once a week. Only this time there was a slight problem. I had idiotically been putting off doing my laundry for two weeks now. So with a groan, I gathered all of my clothes and placed them in either the washing machine, or one of my multi-colored laundry baskets. It was easy as pie from there to get my load of laundry going.

        That was when I realized that I was desperately low on clothing options for work. I had already taken my shower, brushed my hair and teeth, and put deodorant on. Now all that was left was getting dressed. Something any toddler could do. As long as they had clothing options.

         My closet was bare in a depressing sort of way. I realize that I don't have many clothes. What I do have I usually end up wearing twice before washing anyway. In my opinion, food was more important to buy than the newest fashion trends, and I was living on a baristas salary. But looking into my closet, was just sad.

        I found only one acceptable top to wear to work that would go with my blue jeans. It was a black tank top, and had white lace trimming all around the bottom. With a sigh, I pulled it out of my closet and carefully removed the price tag. I had never worn this top before, and that's because it wasn't really my style, and it was also gift. Usually I liked to wear something that was a bit more form fitting to show off my curves, and not as girly, but this would have to do today. I was a tom-boy through and through since childhood after all. With a somewhat forced smile on my face due to my lacey top, I finished getting ready, and headed downstairs to start my shift.

        Breakfast didn't sound good to me that morning, so I simply grabbed a cup of tea, and fell into my usual routine. The only time that the monotony of my day was broken up, was when my cell phone went off. I knew that it wasn't Tony or Bruce replying to my "good morning," as they had already forewarned me that they would be out of touch for the foreseeable future. Thor, bless his Asgardian heart, could barely hold his phone let alone work it properly. So that left either Steve or Clint. I figured it wouldn't be Natasha, because even though she had to be back from her mission since my mates were back, she hadn't responded to my texts. That's ok though. I would wait for her to be ready for a friendship, or even a companionship if that's what she wanted.

        To my absolute shock and delight, it was actually Natasha. This had to be a good sign right? I had been warned that she didn't open up to people, or trust easily. However here she was, texting me before I could text her. Granted it was a simple, "Have a good day." But still, maybe this was the start to her opening up or trusting me. 

        Shooting back a quick reply of, "You too," I got back to work before Leon could give me the stank eye. Technically phones weren't allowed on the work floor unless you were on your break, or off the clock.

        The day had been going pretty well so far. There hadn't been any problem customers, my co-workers were actually pulling their weight for once, and people had actually been throwing their trash away like civilized human beings. That to me, spelled a good day.

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