Eye of Hawk

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Dead silence . . .

No comment. No laugh. Just me, blushing up a storm and completely embarrassed, as for the second time that day my verbal diarrhea made me look like an idiot (in my opinion anyway).

The man on the floor who made my purple mark tingle and grow warm was looking at me with wide eyes and a sense of wonder. Kind of like I had done something wrong, but I wasn't the one that had just fallen out of the ceiling! His dark blonde hair was tussled from his memorable entrance and he was the kind of handsome that said "dangerous," but somehow I knew I would be safe with him.

He was very striking though, in a vest top and. . . were those leather pants? His tactical boots barely made a sound as he stood up from the floor smoothly and silently, and I would have felt like his prey as he stalked towards me if it hadn't of been for the smile on his face, and the laugh lines around his eyes. A serious man he may be, but I knew in my heart he wasn't that person all the time.

"Well hello there." He said in a velvety smooth voice and I instantly felt my cheeks turn bright red.

"Hello batman." I quipped to him cheekily to cover my embarrassment and he laughed.

"Yeah I'll admit that wasn't my smoothest moment." He said as he rubbed the back of his neck with one of his hands. "But I like being able to get around, and I like the vantage point and the tactical advantage of being higher than everyone else. Plus I see better from a distance. Usually the vents hold up though." He told me with a grin. " I'm Clint Barton, codename Hawkeye but everyone calls me Clint. You however can call me anything you want baby girl." He flirted.

With a laugh I couldn't help but goad him. "They may call you Hawkeye, but if you hang around in the vents you seem more like a bat to me. We haven't even been properly introduced yet mister hawk." I smiled up at him, and somehow throughout our conversation we ended up getting closer and closer together.

"Your names Stella. And we were introduced. Tony introduced you to everyone remember?" Reaching out he gently grabbed ahold of a piece of my hair and carefully tucked it behind my ear without touching any of my skin. I could tell he wanted to initiate the first step just as much as I did. Like a gentleman, he didn't touch me to start it without me agreeing to it first, which I greatly appreciated. However I had just met and done the first bonding step with Tony! Surely you couldn't bond with more than one person a day!

I turned around quickly, only now noticing the lack of warmth on my back where Tony's hand previously was, only to see him sitting at the bar next to the man drinking tea. He must have felt my gaze, because he turned to shoot me a quick reassuring smile, before turning back towards the other man and starting up their quiet conversation again.

"He knows." Clint said from behind me, and I whirled around to see him looking down at me softly with understanding written all over his facial features.

"I'm sorry what are you talking about?" I asked him.

"He knows about us. Well about your other two Soul Mark's."

"But how? We just met!" I was baffled and also worried. What kind of man or men would feel ok sharing their soulmate. I didn't want to loose Tony, he was wonderful from what little I knew of him. I also didn't want to loose Clint, just from our conversation I knew that our personalities were a perfect match, and I couldn't wait to see what else we would have in common.

"He found out early on. We all did. Soul Mark's are unique as I'm sure you know. So after a mission when he saw my Mark and another teammates, he threw a fit. We all did." He said to me quietly while looking ashamed. "I'm not going to lie. I never pictured myself ever meeting my mate, let alone having to share him or her. So when I realized that I would have to share you should you ever be found, I threw a little fit before I realized it was a good thing."

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