You Know What's on my Mind?

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Warning: More Smutty Smut, Use of Slang for Body Parts, Explicit Scenes, Swearing, Tony Stark (because he's his own warning), Dirty Talk, Aftercare (because we all deserve it)

Guys this WHOLE chapter is smut or DISCUSSIONS about smut! So as usual, if you are a minor please don't read this chapter.

I am NOT responsible for any embarrassment caused by but not limited to: you reading this at work and getting caught, your roommate catching you reading this and making fun of your reaction, or for any out-loud exclamations that get you weird looks while you are out in public.

That being said, for all my peeps who can LEGALLY CONSENT, please enjoy this chapter!


Stella P.O.V

"Oh we aren't done yet Mr. Stark." I grinned down at him impishly as I bent to capture his lips that tasted like my juices with my own.

The taste of myself on his lips was odd, to say the least. I didn't actively like it, but I didn't hate it either. It was just there. Kissing Tony was exhilarating even after having 2 orgasms. Those probably contributed to the confidence that I had in my body being through the roof as I sat on Tony's fully clothed body completely naked. Currently I was straddling his hips with my hands resting on his very fine pectoral muscles, and I could feel how happy he was to have me sitting on him.

"What are you up to?" Tony asked me as he pulled one of his arms up to cradle the back of his head, leaving me with a very good view of his physique from atop my perch.

"Well," I began as I trailed my fingertips over his arc reactor, before circling it with my pointer finger while biting my bottom lip. "You made me feel good, so I was hoping I could make you feel good too." My cheeks were flushed with embarrassment from saying my thoughts out loud, but I pushed the feelings of awkwardness to the side. I really really wanted to make him feel even just a fraction of the satisfaction he had flooded my body with a few minutes ago.

"I mean, I've never done anything like this before so it probably won't be very good, and you might have to help me out as I go. Like giving me tips and pointers and what not. I've never even seen a penis before let alone touched one. Unless you count those sexual education pamphlets they pass out at the doctors office once you hit puberty. In that case technically I have seen one before, but not in real life. Like an actual one in front of me and not a photo or cartoon drawing." Tony cut off my nervous rambling by placing his pointer finger on my lip before sitting up beneath me and wrapping his arms around me in a comforting hug.

"Stella. This was about you and your pleasure, not about me and mine. Did I make you feel good?" Tony asked me seriously as he pulled my head to rest on his shoulder while his hands rubbed up and down my back soothingly. The tension I had been holding from nerves quickly disappeared as his hands soothed my skin, and the tense muscles in my back relaxed.

"Of course you made me feel good! What kind of question is that?" I asked him, confused against the skin of his neck. Was my moaning and swearing and cumming all over his hands not a sign of pleasure? As I waited for his reply, I laid a gentle kiss on the pulse point under his jaw which caused him to shiver in pleasure.

"It's the kind of question that needs asking. Not only do I need to make sure you were okay with what we did, but I also want to make sure that it felt good to you. I don't expect you to do anything for me in return. This isn't a transaction between two people, this was about me giving you pleasure and you simply enjoying it." Tony told me as he laid a kiss on the crown of my forehead. My eyes closed in contentment for a few moments as I basked in his words and the feel of his love. Who knew a single kiss could convey so many thoughts and feelings?

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