You're MY Baby Girl Sweetheart

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Warning: Sexual thoughts, swearing, violence, mature themes. No sex . . . . Yet

Clint P.O.V.

     Growing up the way I did, I learned many things, and when I learned them, I learned them fast. I learned that when my mom or dad was drunk, angry, or worse, both, I should stay out of their way and get out of the house. I learned that slacking off in school was bad and that schoolwork was important, and when you didn't do it, the school called home making your parents mad. When my parents were mad, they got violent. My older brother would take the "punishments" when he could, but I still got my fair share of bruises and broken bones from the both of them. Since I had to deal with my parents and their ever changing moods as a child when I should have been playing as a kid instead, I also learned how to read people for my own safety.

    I can tell when you're lying, sad, happy, or drunk sure, most everyone can. What they don't teach you, and what I learned, is how to decipher if someone is "good" or not. I'm not talking open the door good or saying please and thank you good. I'm talking save your life and take a bullet for you "good". I can tell if I can trust you with my life, or if you will leave me to fend for myself in a life and death situation. I can tell if you really want to kill that person you're aiming your gun at, or if you are only doing it because it's all you've ever known, or if you have no other choice.

     When I made the call to recruit Nat instead of "eliminating the threat," like S.H.I.E.L.D. had ordered me too, I ended up having to train her and she became my partner. Once she got to know me and opened up a bit, she used to say that I "could see into other people's souls." So as well as never being able to miss my mark when shooting, no matter the weapon, I can also apparently "read your soul." So I utilized this special talent of mine as soon as I looked into my Soulmates eyes yesterday.

     They were a deep soulful brown that looked at me with humor and joy, but that wasn't what got to me. She was good, and I mean GOOD down to the very depths of her heart and soul. She was the rare kind of good you rarely saw now-a-days. I could tell that she would give you the shirt off her back and her last twenty dollars good. Seeing her in pain made me want to destroy Steve even though it was out of his control. Couldn't he see he was hurting her? Didn't he see how good she was? How innocent? How pure? She didn't deserve to be in pain because of her soul marks, she deserved to have the world laid at her feet.

     All last night I was awake thinking of different scenarios that could pop up and put her in danger, but for each one of those scenarios, twenty more good ones popped up. I may have just met her, but her mark had always been there on my arm. During one of the darker periods of my life after my brother and I ran away from home and joined the circus, the thought of my mate was all that got me out of bed most mornings. Later after that, after my brother abandoned me too, and before S.H.I.E.L.D. found me, the thought of my mate was all that kept me alive and fighting to live another day.

     I knew I would meet her someday, and yesterday was nothing short of perfect. I could have done without falling out of the vents and landing at her feet, but now she was right in front of me. In my arms, and I was going to protect her with everything I had.

     "Clint?" Stella spoke up from where I was holding her bridal style in my arms. We were currently on our way to my "surprise" location. I had just needed to get her out of that room as quickly as humanly possibly. She may have forgiven Tony, which I strongly disagreed with, but I was still going to talk to him later when she wasn't around. I was livid about how he had handled getting her new clothes, and how he violated her privacy. We had just met her for fucks sake, use that giant brain of yours and have some common sense.

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