Son of a Biscuit

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     Black is like an endless abyss of absolutely everything and absolutely nothing at all. You can look at just a sheet of black paper and the color isn't just one dimensional or two dimensional, but three and four dimensional as well. So staring at the blackness behind my eyelids, I felt like the abyss was going to go on forever and ever.

     Certain senses were coming back to me though so that was something at least. The first was smell of course and I really wish it hadn't of been. Scents like ammonia, bleach, hand sanitizer, and even the overly fake lemony scent of floor cleaner were taking my nose hostage. The mix of smells was familiar and with a groan I prayed to every deity I knew of, that I wasn't where I thought I was.

     I hadn't realized before my groan, but I was able to hear things. Though I wasn't hearing clearly yet. I could tell that there were people talking, or yelling, I wasn't sure, and there was a  whirring of machines around me. The click, click, click, noise I was hearing coincided with the tightening around my upper right arm before it slowly began to loosen.

     Touch was next. My pointer finger was heavy and something was on it and restricting its movements. Not being able to move something correctly when just waking up, if that's what I was doing, was really freaky and I didn't like it at all. I struggled to get my eyes open and failed. Okay, next option. Removing the thing-a-ma-jig on my finger. I tried to move my right arm over to my left hand to free my finger, when I was stopped by a set of hands.

     " . . . " I had no idea what this person was saying but he was smoothing my hair back out of my face as someone else held my arm down gently.

     "Take a deep breath . . . " this came to me clearer and I struggled at first to get my breathing under control and was hyperventilating. After a few minutes of nausea and coughing I had my breathing under control and was thankfully not having a panic attack anymore.

     "I need you to open those eyes doll." A deep voice said to me from my side and just the sound of the voice calmed me further.

     "Come on angel, don't keep me waiting forever." What was clearly Tony's snarky but concerned voice said.

     "Take your time baby girl, but let me see those gorgeous deep brown eyes." Who had to be Clint said.

     It took time, I'm not sure how long had passed, but my body finally agreed to work with me. It started off as a few slow blinks as I took in my room around me.

     Son of a biscuit I was in a medical room, but by the looks of it I was still in the tower.

     Clint, Tony, and Mr. Blue Eyes were around what was considered my medical cot but was really an extremely comfortable twin mattress. Honestly though, I wouldnt expect anything less from a billionaire. Mr. Blue Eyes was the one who had been running his fingers through my hair, and both Tony and Clint were seated on my left side. Farther into the room was who I think was Bruce, in a lab coat, reading and writing something down in a notebook.

     "Oh thank God."


     "How do you feel doll?"

     Tony, Clint, and Mr. Handsome said respectively.

     Licking my extremely dry lips, I failed to notice how their eyes darted down to my lips to watch the movement of my tongue before they looked back up into my eyes. Well first things first, I needed something to drink. I felt like I had just walked miles in the Sahara desert and had not one drop of fluid.

     I opened my mouth to request something to drink, when Tony had a cup and straw held up to my lips. Shocked, I looked at him but he was just looking at me seriously.

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