Mr. Blue Eyes

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     What's the first thing you notice about a person. Is it the color of their hair? Do they like to keep it within the normal shade of hair colors or are they rocking the pink, purple, or green?  Maybe you notice their clothes first? After all, what someone wears tells a lot about them. Are they business casual, or maybe they like the sporty look? Maybe they only wear the newest fashion trends you could never hope to afford? Or are they jammin' with some re-purposed clothes from the local Salvation Army and killing it with that look?

  As humans we notice the superficial things about people, their clothes, shoes, money, cars. . . But after all of that; what do you look for in a person?

   Is it a smile? Do you want someone with perfect white and straight teeth or could you care less what they look like? Are you instead drawn to the voice?  The two vocal cords working together to create a masterpiece that's uniquely that persons own. Maybe it's the lips? So many shapes, so many colors, to each their own. They are sensuous, what we talk through, and a very prominent feature on our face.

     Science shows that subconsciously we are drawn to people with similar facial features as our own. We might not be able to see it, but is that what you look for? Not the looks but the science of it all. Or is it height? Weight? Body type? Whatever it is I can tell you that for me, it's always been the eyes.

  The eyes are the windows to the soul. A phrase said and heard often, but also true. In someone's eyes, if you ever care to truly look, you can tell many things. If they are lying, if they are a good or bad person, if they love you etc;. And right now, coming towards me were the most honest and bluest eyes I had ever seen. They honestly shook me to the core, but it wasn't just those gorgeous baby blues that had me rattled. It was the man. 

     His blonde hair was combed out perfectly even though it was clear that he just got back from a run. Let me just say this, blonde hair and blue eyes? He was half of most women's dream man right there, but oh did he complete the package. He was muscular. I'm talking slightly less than that Thor guy ripped, and with that skin tight shirt on my mouth was going dry. Completing the look, were sweatpants and tennis shoes that looked extremely worn down from use. He looked around slightly confused until I stepped out from behind Thor and those magnificent eyes landed on me. 

     "Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" I asked him and OMG I wanted to fall through the floor when everyones eyes shifted to me. 'Brain to mouth, you can start filtering my thoughts any time now' I thought to myself.  Trying to recover some previously lost ground, I realized I was doing a wonderful impression of a fish out of water. Then the unthinkable happened.

     He smiled at me. Not one of those half smirks. Not a pained mouth closed smile. An actual wide open and teeth showing smile. Well butter me up and call me a biscuit. This man had dimples. Two glorious dimples sitting on perfect cheekbones on a perfect face atop a perfect body. The good Lord was in a great mood when he made this man.

     He began to walk towards me and I just knew that he was my last soulmate. The blue rose on my arm began to tingle and grow warm just like with the others, but it didn't stop there. The closer he got to me, the hotter my mark grew and I was starting to grow weary of his approach. The difference in how my mark was reacting compared to my others was freaking me out. The tingling on my arm grew to a violent vibration, and with his next step towards me I took a step back.

     A flash of hurt crossed his face, but the pain was spreading up my arm and around my other marks. I cried out quietly in pain, and everything around me stopped. Blue eyes put his hands up in a submissive way with a concerned expression written all over his face. Tony's head snapped in my direction and he took half a step towards me, but that made the pain worsen as well and I whimpered. He froze in place, and Clint stood still as a statue with his hand held out to keep everyone else in the room from moving.

     "What's happening?" I cried out as tears blurred my vision and I fell to my knees with a thud, unable to brace myself.

     "J.A.R.V.I.S. scan Stella." Tony bit out shortly with concern showing in his eyes and we were all rewarded with the British A.I. giving a report a moment later.

     "Elevated heartrate and blood pressure. Dilated pupils and beginning tremors in the hands and feet. Temperature is normal except in the left arm where her Soul Mark's are located. Scans show temperature at 99 degrees and climbing in her left arm."

     "Prognosis?" He barked.

     "It would seem that her soul is in distress sir."

     "Distress? How is her soul in damn distress?" Clint yelled at Tony.

     "Don't look at me Legolas. This didn't happen until the Capsicle showed up."

     My vision was starting to blur and it was becoming harder and harder to get any breaths in so I applied a simple technique. In through the nose. Hold for three seconds. Out through the mouth. Exhale slowly for 3 seconds.

     "Sir her blood oxygen levels are dropping." J.A.R.V.I.S. said, but the room around me had descended into chaos. Tony and Clint were at each other's throats blaming one another and yelling, and everyone else was trying to calm them down. The only one who had seemed to have heard my new favorite A.I. was Mr. Blue Eyes.

     His expression was one of concern, but my world had started to spin. Not comically like you would see in a cartoon, but in a swaying motion back and forth that was making me feel extremely nauseous. I closed my eyes and tried to keep myself upright, but I found that I was slowly loosing my strength.

     "Sir. She needs immediate medical attention."

     "I don't feel so good." J.A.R.V.I.S. and I said at the exact same time. I felt myself falling backwards the rest of the way to the ground, and my eyelids were getting harder and harder to keep open.

     Right as I felt myself slip into a black abyss of unconsciousness I saw Mr. Blue Eyes leap toward me and wrap his arms around me in support, only just stopping my head from hitting the ground. I was aware of a blood curdling scream, and I distantly heard voices talking to someone. I felt like I was floating through a tunnel and the only thing I was truly aware of was the burning and vibrating of my arm where my Mark's were, and the pounding of three heartbeats that were beating in tandem with mine before I was consumed by darkness.


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