Coffee and Apple Muffins

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Warning: Swearing, Mature Themes, Sexy times

If you are not of age to read the mature parts, or simply don't want to, they will be marked with the symbols AAAAAAAAA so that you can skip them.

Stella P.O.V.

        Have you ever woken up and dreaded having to go into work because the previous day had simply been awful? Well that's exactly how I was feeling right now. My body ached from falling asleep in an awkward position. I was starving from not having eaten anything yesterday, and I just felt all around lonely and miserable. If calling into work was an option, I would have taken it, but I didn't want Leon's pregnant wife to have to fill in for me.

        It was another full shift at the Cafe today, which I desperately didn't want to go to, but I needed the money. Who didn't need money besides Tony Stark and celebrities? With a sigh, I heaved myself out of bed, and grumbled under my breath once I was standing fully. The cold wooden floors that came up to meet my feet helped wake me up a little bit, but were utterly bracing. However I knew that the shower I was getting ready to take would help with waking me up fully. Plus it would help warm up my poor little toes. As I headed into the bathroom, I made sure to grab my phone so I could send out my usual morning texts to everyone before I hopped under the warm spray of water. I didn't bother worrying about sending a text to Tony, Steve, or Clint, as I would text them once I got downstairs to work. Quickly I scrolled through my contacts until I reached the first Avenger alias.

        To Natasha, or "Natabee" as she was listed in my phone. I made sure she got her usual text of "Good morning. Make sure you stay safe." What else do you text an assassin? "Make some good kills today?" Yeah, I don't think so.

        To Thor, or "Wannabe Surfer," because of his long, luscious, golden locks. I simply sent a little " :)  and  <3 ". He got such a kick out of how those little symbols made pictures. It was kind of adorable in a man-child kind of way.

       To my new friend Bruce, or "Paul Bunyan" as he was listed under my contacts (because of The Hulk's height). I needed a joke. Not just any joke. A good joke. One that would cheer me up as I typed it out, and one that would make him happy as he read it. I wasn't sure if it would be a science joke today, but it would be a great joke nonetheless. After some contemplation, and searching on a joke app that I had conveniently downloaded while I brushed my teeth. I found the perfect way to say good morning.

        "I finally cut ties with someone who was dragging me down."

         I waited a minute to send the end of the joke. It was slightly dark, but I'll be honest and say that I spit my toothpaste out all over my mirror when I read the punchline. Right before laughing so hard that I almost peed my pants.

        "Mountain climbing with a friend is so hard."

        I was just about to hop in the shower when my phone went off signalling a text. I quickly glanced at it to see that it was from Tony, and not the reply to my joke like I had been hoping it would be. Truthfully I really couldn't afford to be late today. When could anyone afford to be late for work? Anyway I figured it would be fine to leave it as a notification for a hot second. Shrugging, I decided I would read it after my shower while on my way down to work. With that in mind, I jumped under the scalding hot water in the shower and continued my daily ablutions.

        By the time I was clean, dried off, my hair brushed, and dressed for the day it was six o' clock. That left me with just enough time to get some breakfast downstairs and check my texts before my shift started. With that thought at the front of my mind, I grabbed my phone and was on my way. 

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