Eloise or Stella?

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Warnings: Short Chapter (they get longer I promise), Fluff

MC's P.O.V

        Getting to the Big Apple by plane was "interesting" to say the least. I had been lucky, and scored an aisle seat ticket, so I was as comfortable as physically possible while flying basic economy. Thankfully, the little girl in front of me slept the whole flight from Michigan to NYC, so I didn't have to listen to the constant chatter and whinging of a child who wanted to be anywhere but on a plane. No, it was the old man behind me that made the whole flight interesting, worthwhile, and one of the moments I would most likely remember for the rest of my life.

        He was a gentle looking old man, with tan loafers on his feet, tan suspenders holding his black pants up over his white and black striped dress shirt. On his head, he wore a tan golfer's hat, that was sat neatly atop his nearly hairless scalp, and thin wire framed glasses to help him see. What hair he did have, was white and sparse, and the wrinkles and laugh lines on his face spoke of a man who had lived a long and happy life full of joy. His smile, though nearly toothless, was wide and gentle, and it was directed at me with such a gentleness that I couldn't help but return it with one of my own.

        "Excuse me miss?" I heard an older man's voice speak softly from right behind me. I thanked God once again that I had been lucky enough to get an aisle seat. This way I didn't have to worry about being in anyone's way when I went to turn around and look at the gentleman behind me.

        "Yes?" I politely asked him. I wasn't used to strangers going out of their way to talk to me unless it was to spout off some vitriol about having my soulmarks showing. Most people thought it was taboo to show off your marks if you had more than one. Small minded bigots. This was an elderly gentleman though, so I hid my apprehension about what he could possibly say to me, and hoped that he wasn't one of the people who would give me his opinion, wanted or not.

        I waited for a response for what seemed like forever, but that old man just kept on staring at me with the same small grin on his face. Since he didn't seem like he would be answering me anytime soon, I gave him a nod and a grin so as not to be impolite, before I turned back around in my seat and got back to the book I was reading.




        I felt on my right shoulder, so curiously I turned around to face the elderly man behind me again to see what it was that he wanted. "Yes?" I asked him gently, as he was still looking at me with eyes that were slightly starry and glazed with tears.

        "Well don't you recognize me Eloise?" He asked me with a teasing and loving grin.

        Eloise? That definitely wasn't my name. I'd heard of an insane asylum with that name, any Michigander worth their salt had heard of that, but Eloise? That was a far cry from the name I was given at birth. I felt bad that this sweet old man was confusing me for someone else, someone that must have been very important to him by the looks of things, and I didn't know how to let him down gently. The last thing I wanted to do was ruin this man's obvious delusion since it seemed so important to him, but I was at a loss as to what I should do.

         "I'm truly sorry sir, but I think you're mistaking me for someone else. My name is Stella, not Eloise." I responded to him gently because he was looking at me with such hope, and I didn't want to crush that. The reaction that I thought I would get from him at my words, was a far cry from how he really responded.

        A loud laugh burst forth from  his lips so strongly, that it shook his fragile frame, and caused him to start coughing quite violently. Worried about his health, I got out of my seat and knelt down by his side until he got his breathing back under control. With one of my hands grasped in his, he smiled down at me fondly as his eyes raked over my dusty blonde hair and brown eyes.

        "Oh El, you always could make me laugh," he said, "but I know it's you. You're the only one that's ever looked at me with eyes so caring." He patted my cheek lovingly as he said this, and it was heartbreaking to see him confuse me with someone he must have really loved.

        Who even said things like 'eyes so caring' anymore? That was something straight out of a historical romance novel. I was so confused, and more than a little worried about this man's state of mind, until I glanced over and saw a nurse who was sitting next to him, fast asleep.

        "Well I do care." I replied, and that was no lie. I did care. This man had obviously lost his soulmate, HIS Eloise, and something about me must have reminded him about her so much so, that he got the two of us confused with the other. That alone was heartbreaking, but seeing him stare at me with so much hope in his blue eyes had me almost in tears.

        "My name isn't Eloise sir, it's Stella Monroe. But if you're willing, I would love to hear all about your El if I could?" I said to the man.

        Something in his eyes cleared as I said my name a second time, and he looked at me with a gentle but sad smile and said, "I would be honored to tell you about her young lady. It was 1943 when I met my gal. . ." And for the rest of the plane ride, I sat with that man and laughed as he told me stories of how he met his wife, and how she had the biggest crush on Captain America. I think part of his soul was soothed during that ride, and I know mine was as well, because when we touched down before we went our separate ways he handed me a small black and white photo of 2 people who were obviously madly in love with one another.

        "This was my Eloise," he said as one shaking finger pointed to a beautiful woman holding onto a smiling young man.

        "She was beautiful." I told him honestly with a smile on my face. Behind him, I could see his nurse watching us fondly, and when she caught my eye, she mouthed a "thank you," at me. I simply smiled at her in reply. It was no trouble at all, and this was by far the most pleasant plane ride I had ever been on.

        "Wasn't she just? I always told her that if Captain America did come into town one day, he'd surely be swept off his feet by her and her beauty." Gently, I tried to place the photo back into his hands, but he refused and curled his hand around mine that was holding his photo. 

         "You keep it. You gave this old man a million smiles and laughs today, and I know my gal would have wanted you to have that." He told me as he placed a soft kiss on the back of my hand gallantly.

         "I promise to keep it safe." I vowed as I held the picture to my chest protectively. 

         "I know you will. You have a blessed life Stella." He told me as he turned away to join his nurse. 

        "You too sir. You too." I said to his retreating form. With those last words, I made my way out of the airport and onto the crowded and packed streets of New York,  where I was blindsided by all of the noise and people.

A/N: Edited as of 04/22/2024


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