Tony Stark Bringer of Fireworks

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 Warnings: Short Chapter (they get longer I pinky swear)

Stella POV

        My shift at La Cafe Nińo passed me by in a haze of muffins, coffee, and excited smiles. I was honestly having a hard time believing that my meeting with Pepper Potts this morning wasn't just a figment of my imagination. This day had gone nothing like I had expected it to, and just for my own peace of mind, I decided to do some fact checking. Because if it turns out that this was some whole made up farce to prank the freak with three soulmates, it would devastate me. So a little after the afternoon rush while on my lunch break, I decided to Google Stark Industries on a whim. Sure enough, smack dab front and center on the webpage was a picture of Pepper Potts, the CEO of the whole company. This told me that I could at least trust her about what she told me this morning about knowing Tony Stark. After all how can you be the CEO of his company and not know him. I also knew that she really could introduce me to the first of my Soulmates, if what she had said was to be believed.

        Tony Stark.

        Tony FREAKING Stark.

        I was still having trouble wrapping my head around the fact that Tony Stark was possibly one of my soulmates if Pepper was to be believed, and honestly I believed her. Everyone as a child is always told that fate works in mysterious ways, but this was a pairing that I was curious to see why the Fates had decided we were perfect for each other. I liked to think I was pretty cool, but it is well known, that Tony Stark is the epitome of cool. He made Antarctica look hot in the winter kind of cool, and I was super nervous to meet him, but also excited.

        After feeling like my day had been dragging on for hours when my shift was finally finished at 4, it took me no time at all to clock out and hoof it up the stairs to my apartment. Once I was inside, I didn't even bother locking the door, just dashed to my closet in a mindless frenzy. What the hell are you supposed to wear when meeting your genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist soulmate? Definitely not my flour caked and coffee reeking clothing that's for sure. I wasn't a fancy type of girl by any means, but it was moments like these where I started to wish I had slightly more fashion sense than a squirrel.

         I ripped shirt after skirt after dress off of the hangers in my closet, and each piece of clothing landed on the ground somewhere behind me. I had exhausted all of my options, and yet I was nowhere near finding something cute and appropriate to wear. Shrieking loudly, I childishly stomped my foot before grabbing a pair of blue jeans and a pretty pink blouse before calling it quits. This was as good as it was going to get, but I made a mental note to pick up some cute spring dresses from the consignment shop a few blocks over. Pepper was supposed to pick me up at 5, and I had spent so long looking for something to wear that she should be here any minute now. With one final look in the mirror, and deciding not to bother doing anything with my hair that was still in a ponytail from my shift, I headed downstairs to wait for Pepper so that I could hopefully meet one of my Soulmates.

        The streets were filled with the usual hustle and bustle of everyday life as I rocked back and forth on my heels impatiently, and ran my fingers through my ponytail. I was currently pulling out all the knots and tangles while also straightening it, praying to anyone listening I looked ok, when a car horn sounded from right in front of me causing me to jump. It was a black luxury car, and that's all I could tell you about it besides the fact that it probably cost more than I had ever made in my life. I can also tell you that stepping out of that car was Pepper who waved at me excitedly.

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