Guy Talk

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WARNINGS: Swearing, Mentions of Sex, Mentions of MC's Childhood Bullying and Harassment, Mentions of Previous Chapters Assault, Murder Casually Mentioned, Drama, Masturbation, DOM/Sub Stuff, Mentions of our Heroes Dark Sides, Conflict Resolution

This chapter includes too many kinks to write a warning about, so just don't leave any hate comments if you don't like something please. 

Italics: Fantasy 

The Story will be progressively more and more sexual from this chapter on, although there will be lots of plot mixed in. 

You have been warned.

You have been warned

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Clint Barton P.O.V

        "Well we fucked up." I told Steve point blank as both he and I exited the elevator to reconvene in the common room. 

        The elevator ride down from Stella's room had been filled with an awkward silence and tension that I prayed to God I would never have to feel again. The shame that filled my body from my prior actions was one I did not carry lightly, and the guilt from that alone was weighing on me heavily. I hated that we had upset our girl to the point that she had felt the need to yell at us. She had been right to call us out on our bullshit. As long as it was her that was doing the calling out, and making sure we knew when we were in the wrong, I would always listen to her. And yes, we may have gone about things the wrong way, and I may have let my anger and jealousy speak for me. I was wrong, I'm man enough to admit that, but that didn't mean I still wasn't pissed off that Tony had seen and touched our soulmate first. 

        Cap and I had talked about us finalizing the second bond with our girl the whole time we were gone on our mission. Though I had been the only one to pleasure her before we left, I knew Steve was as eager as I had been to feel the same deep emotional connection with her that I now did. Until she reciprocated, she wouldn't feel our emotions fully. Only barely there echoes and that was okay. We knew that she wasn't ready to return the favor at that moment in time, and we were just fine with that. Her wants and needs would always come before our own. Which worked out just as well for us, as we wanted Stella to get to know us better before we did anything too serious. 

        I'd say that we needed to get to know her better as well, but that would be a bald faced lie. While we didn't know all of the little things about her that made her unique, we did know the big things. As soon as she fell asleep here that first night after meeting us, I was on the phone with some of my contacts. I was owed a few favors, and I had no problem cashing them in to get any and all information available on my girl. I wanted, no, I needed to know everything about her. In part to make sure she wasn't a threat to the team or a member of hydra, but mostly because she was meant to be mine. Therefore I needed to know every little thing about her as soon as physically possible.

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