Batman is that you?!

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Riding in a luxury car was interesting to say the least. It was extremely spacious in the backseat so though I was seated curled up next to Tony, I didn't feel cramped in the slightest. Tony, Pepper, and Happy were talking quietly to each other, and though they had tried to pull me into a conversation a couple of times, I was content to sit quietly holding onto Tony's hand. He had one arm curled around my shoulders and the other, his other hand was resting in my lap and I must say it was very distracting. You can tell a lot about someone by their hands, and his told a story all their own.

For one, they weren't smooth like you would expect of someone who was rich, instead they were littered with callouses and small cuts going up and down each of his fingers and scattered sporadically over his palm. While I knew he was a genius, this told me another story, this told me that he liked to tinker with things. To make things with his own two hands. At the same time, those rough hands were gentle but firm as they stayed wrapped around me. They supported me as we rode to Avengers tower, and I looked out the window with anticipation as we pulled into a private parking structure that was to the side of the massive building.

Tony stepped out of the car after it was in park, like he was getting ready for a photo shoot as he started giving Happy orders while holding his hand out to me to help me out of the back seat of the car. With a, once again, shaking hand I took it and tenderly stepped foot out of the car. It seemed everywhere I looked around me was a sports car, motorcycle, or luxury car just waiting to be taken out for a joy ride. My eyes were drawn to a particular motorcycle that looked like it had been taken straight out of a 1940's magazine and plopped right in front of me, and it was ready for the taking. I had just started to walk towards it when I felt a gentle tugging on my hand.

"You can play with the toys later angel, for now we have places to be." Tony said as we walked into a very spacious elevator, just the two of us. "J.A.R.V.I.S. to the common room."

"Right away sir." a British voice sounded from out of nowhere making me jump.

"What the hell?" I questioned as I looked all around me for the source of the voice.

"Shit. Sorry for not giving you a warning. J.A.R.V.I.S. say hello to Ms. Monroe." Tony said nonchalantly and apologetically as he looked down at something on his phone.

"Hello Ms. Monroe, it is a pleasure to meet you." the voice sounded again from nowhere but filled up the whole space with its presence.

Confused I looked up at Tony and he looked down at me with a softness in his eyes that contradicted his snarky tone. "J.A.R.V.I.S. is my personal AI. I created him myself to help me run the tower, do my errands, basically run my life for me. And what a wonderful job he does of it too. I should give myself a pat on the back." he joked to me.

"Thank you sir." J.A.R.V.I.S. replied with happiness? Could a computer program even have feelings?

Before I could even pose my question, we arrived at our designated floor. I had no idea just how high up were really were until I walked out of the elevator and looked out the windows. I could see almost the whole of the New York skyline from here. I also noticed that Tony and I weren't the only ones in the room. His hand on my back gave me the confidence I needed to continue on, and so with a deep breath, I walked into the room.

     Behind a bar and in the kitchen drinking tea was a man with black hair and wearing glasses. He wore a purple shirt and green pants, but I could tell under all of those clothes he was still packing some muscle. Lounging on a couch and watching TV was a Blonde about the size of said couch. His clothes were more like armor and I'm pretty sure he was wearing a cape. Let me tell you, with the size of the muscles on that guy, he is most assuredly not someone I would want to make angry in a dark alley at night. Lastly leaning against a wall was a woman. I think she was supposed to look relaxed, but she looked like she was poised to attack anyone or anything at any minute. She wore a skintight black body suit and had no expression on her face, but what was most shocking about her was her blood red hair.

I kept myself close to Tony as we walked farther into the room, but he was determined to draw all attention to himself I'm pretty sure. "Oh good, you're all here. Everyone this is my soulmate Stella. Stella, this is everyone." he said as his arm gestured out to everyone in the room. Before I could introduce myself to anyone, or anyone could introduce themselves to me, I heard loud banging and clanging from what sounded like the vents. Sure enough a few seconds later a muscular man with brown hair came falling through the vents and onto the ground with a groan of pain, making my purple rose soul mark grow warm and tingly.

Once again I let my mouth speak before thinking through my words. "Batman is that you?" I shrieked.

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