Don't Call Me That

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Warnings: Swearing, Drama, Angst, Past Chapter Healing

        The car ride to the tower was trippy to say the least. I wasn't sure if I was passing out, or if my brain was zoning out. All I knew was that I was repeatedly blacking out or loosing focus. So much so, that it seemed like time was passing me by in a flash. My head was resting on Tony's shoulder. Well it was more like he was holding my head up with his shoulder, it felt more like dead weight to me. The rest of my body was no different, all of my limbs felt like they were filled with lead. If it weren't for the padded leather seat I was on, I would most likely be on the ground at my soulmates feet. Having fallen over or some such nonsense, and landing in some back asswards position on the carpeted floor. 

        Not long after the car started to move, I could feel myself starting to slide down the seat. It got worse with each red light, stop sign, pot hole, and bump in the road. I tried to reposition myself, but it was like moving a one ton cement block with only your hands. Impossible for us mere mortals. After Happy hit one particularly harsh bump that he couldn't avoid due to traffic, I ended up sliding too far forward on the seat. Before my sluggish and weighted body could even attempt to move, a pair of hands wrapped around my waist, preventing me from falling to the cars floor.

        The suddenness of the movement, and how unexpected the touch was, caused me to jerk upright, and fall off the seat anyway. So it ended up not even mattering that someone had tried to prevent my fall, though I appreciated it all the same. All of the muscles in my body were tensed up, and ready to fight. It sucked, because my flight or flight reflex wasn't needed right now. I needed to take a few breaths and calm down.

        I was safe now. I was with my mates. It was a mantra in my head that I kept repeating. I simply needed to cool down my mind and body from the fear that kept coursing through my veins.

        The voices around me, were more like tones to me at this point. I wasn't really understanding the words that people were saying, or the conversations they were having. It was more like I was hearing the tone of voice that they were using, and making assumptions based off of that. A sharp tone from above me, made me look up, and I saw that Clint was holding his hands out for me, with a gentle look on his face. Steve looked hurt and sad, and was holding his hands out in front of him like they were loaded guns, but I wasn't sure why? Wasn't he happy that we were going somewhere else? Maybe he was upset that now that I wasn't next to him, he was sitting besides Tony? I honestly couldn't tell at this point.

        Clint drew my attention back to him, by slowly leaning down towards me.  While making eye contact with me, he grabbed my hands, and gently pulled me to sit in the seat next to him. The seatbelt was then pulled carefully over my lap and shoulders by his calloused hands, and buckled in place. All while I watched on confused, unable to focus on a single solitary thing for more than one minute. It was like he'd be putting the seatbelt on me, then I'd see Tony's watch sparkle in the sunlight, and that would fascinate me for a while. Then I would be focused on the seatbelt again, which sucked by the way. Even though you're always supposed to wear a seatbelt, I hardly ever wore one if I was in the backseat. Which raised the question, why was he making me wear one now? I looked across the way at Tony. I'm not sure what for, but he just smiled back at me softly. His hands were clenching and unclenching on his lap, and I was just getting more and more confused by the minute.

        Chills started to make their way up and down my back, and across my shoulders. I hadn't realized until now, just how cold I was. The chills were aggravating some of my injuries, though I didn't know it, and because of that I was dripping blood onto the leather seat I was sitting on. Bruises were starting to make themselves known along my cheekbones and arms, and the slow yellowing color was simply fascinating for my mind to watch and contemplate right now. I bewitched myself by watching how the light moved across the different bruises forming and how that made the colors change slightly. The cars driving by outside my window were also alluring. There were so many different colored cars, and with all of them moving, it was like a giant rainbow.

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