Nightmares vs. Reality

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Warnings: Swearing, Flashbacks to Previous Chapter Assault, 

      "Stop!!!!!" I begged, but it was muffled by the lips that were on top of mine. "Steve!!!!!! Clint!!!!!!!!!!! Tony!!!!!!!!!!! Help!!!!!!" I screamed in my mind, praying one of them would feel that something was wrong through our bond.

Giving it one last try, I bit down harshly on the leaders tongue again. Once again, my mouth filled up with blood, and I'm sure I looked like something out of a horror movie, but I didn't care. Anything to get these guys off of me.

            With a harsh and gasping breath I sat bolt upright in bed screaming for Tony to come and save me like ha had at the cafe

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            With a harsh and gasping breath I sat bolt upright in bed screaming for Tony to come and save me like ha had at the cafe. Honestly, I wasn't surprised that I had nightmares that night, I was actually expecting it to be honest, as bad as that sounds. However, waking up covered in sweat and screaming for Tony to come and save me was not what I was expecting. I mean yeah, we all have those nightmares where we dream something is crawling on us, and we wake up trying to get the Damn thing off off of our body, but this was different. I was in full Fight or Flight mode. My heart for one, was racing so fast that I could actually feel it through my skin. My eyes were darting around the room so fast, it was actually making me dizzy, but I knew that my body was just searching for potential threats.  Though the bathroom light had been left on at my behest, the shadows that were cast around the room seemed to each be a new threat, waiting and watching for the perfect time to strike.

      J.A.R.V.I.S. must have immediately alerted Tony to my state, because not even a minute after I had woken up, a light was being turned on making all the dangerous shadows disappear, and he was running into my room looking around frantically. The relief that I saw overcome his face was palpable, when he saw me sitting on the bed with my blankets wrapped around me, huddled in a ball. Clearly I wasn't in any danger from anyone except my own mind. However his gorgeous face twisted into pain as he saw the tears that were running down my face.

        "Lock down the floor J.A.R.V.I.S. No one in or out unless permitted by myself or Stella. Ignore security clearance at this moment. " Tony ordered, as he attempted to walk over to the side of my bed. I say attempted, because with his first step, I flinched away from him. Not because I was scared of him, that could be the farthest thing from the truth! He was my knight in a shining Red Suit! It was in fact because of all the adrenaline that was coursing through my veins at that very moment. He immediately stopped moving and put his hands up in a soothing gesture in what I assume was an attempt to let me know that he meant no harm, and it made me sick knowing he felt like he needed to tiptoe around me. 

          God it hadn't even been a day and I was sick of feeling like this, like some Damsel in Distress! Like every movement in every corner was someone hiding in the shadows waiting to come and attack me. Like I was weak for what happened today, even though I KNOW I was strong to just be able to survive it! Dammit! I just wanted to feel safe and secure again! And I was saying this, while probably being in the safest and most secure building in the world right now. But I knew, after today and what I had gone through, that I would only achieve Peace in my soulmates arms. With that thought, and a wounded cry that sounded far more like a whimper than anything else, though I would never admit it, I practically threw myself to the edges of my bed where Tony caught me in his arms and began to make quiet shushing noises.

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