Taking a Stand

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WARNINGS: Swearing, Mentions of Sex (but no actual sex), Nudity, Sexual Humor and Innuendo, Drama, Mentions of Drug Use (Tony), Fluff

Kink's will be mentioned, and any hate comments will be deleted. You don't have to enjoy the raunchy bits to enjoy this story. So if something makes you uncomfortable, please feel free to skip those paragraphs or chapters.

We are back to the plot everybody. No sexy times in this chapter only discussions about it!

Fun fact: In the 40's a cute girl was called a "Cookie" 

 For some reason I can just picture a blushing pre-serum Steve calling a girl "Cookie." The thought alone just makes my heart melt.

Stella P.O.V

         I was woken up from my much needed nap by the sound of my elevator doors sliding open. My ears quickly registered the mirthful voices of my two missing soulmates as they filled the rooms previous silence with chatter and laughter. The noises they were making weren't overly loud or disturbing, but I had been in such a deep and peaceful sleep that the sound of their footsteps was making me wish Tony or I had put my room back into 'Do Not Disturb' mode after our bath. Well they don't say hindsight is 20/20 for nothing that's for sure.

        In an effort to fall back asleep and ignore my surroundings, (cough noisy soulmates cough) I shifted my body off of Tony's, and then buried my head into the side of his chest. Vaguely, I felt the sheet that was covering my body slide down as I rearranged myself. This left me in a position that had my one leg that I had thrown over Tony's hip fully exposed, as well as my back and arms. Thankfully, my unclothed rear end was still covered by the light blue sheet, and my breasts were pressed up against Tony's side which provided me with a modicum of cover. All in all, I wasn't flashing too much skin to my unknowing voyeurs, so that was a plus.

        Now all I needed for everything to be right in the world, was for everyone to stop talking and go away so I could fall back asleep. Except for Tony. His muscles made an excellent pillow. Though he was slightly too firm for my tastes, being able to listen to his rhythmic heartbeat made up for that downside in spades. Plus he had a built in nightlight so I'd never have to be fully in the dark! Oh yeah, he was perfect, and he was all mine.

        It was too bad that Clint didn't get the memo that it was nap time. If he had, he could have just hopped in to sleep on my other side. Instead he just had to keep talking and ribbing Steve.

        "You cheated and you know it Cap! No man your size should be capable of doing the splits to dodge an incoming attack. Not only is it unfair to us normal guys, but it's got to be against Newton's Laws or something equally important!" I heard Clint complaining and joking around with Steve in a good natured way, and it was hilarious. Their topic of conversation was so not something I'd ever expected to hear in my lifetime, and I couldn't stop the smile that appeared on my face in response if I wanted to.

       "The USO girls from back in the day taught me. They thought it would be good for me to improve my flexibility for the show and my eventual deployment, and I agreed. You never know when something like that will save yours or your buddy's life. Besides your jealousy is showing Circus Boy. Just because you can't pull off a move like that to save your life doesn't mean the rest of us can't fight with style." Steve fired back at Clint smugly as he gave him a friendly shove which almost knocked Clint into the wall. Even though I could tell that Steve barely put any effort or strength into his push, it was still funny to see Clint stumble.

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