*Chapter 1*

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Chapter 1

Life and death aren't all that different. The biggest difference is that when you're alive, you actually have the power to do something. In the Underworld, you can do whatever you want- but it won't affect anyone else. You can't change the world or make life better for other people. You can't interfere.

It's funny- you don't realize how much power you really have, until it's taken away from you.

Those were the thoughts that ran through my mind as I stared into the old mirror.

"Help him, Percy," I whispered into the image. I held my hand up and touched the glass. It felt soft and smooth to the touch, almost like calm water. It felt nothing like the glass of most mirrors. I watched as my brother threw his Mytho Magic cards into the fire, and talked to the manipulating ghost. "Please. He needs you. Don't let him throw his life away."

I don't know why I felt like Percy was the only one who could help him. It just felt right. It wasn't because he was a Child of the Big Three. It wasn't because he was a hero. It was because he was just him. He cared about other people. He was capable of helping. He was the one my brother would listen to. And at that moment, that was all that mattered.

I turned away from the mirror that was showing me what my brother was up to, and looked around the dark room I had stumbled upon in Hades' Palace. I couldn't help but feel like my father had made it for me. 

On one wall, the south wall I believe, there was the door that was the entrance to the room. Against that same wall was a dark wardrobe. 

On the wall across from the door, the north wall, on a slightly elevated platform was a bed. Over the bed was a small window that overlooked Elysium, where I was sorted. On the east wall, there was a door that led to the ensuite bathroom. 

On the west wall sat the mirror. I thought it was an ordinary mirror at first, but when I walked over to look at it, the reflection changed. Instead of seeing myself, I saw my brother. The brother I had left in the world, all alone. I didn't want to leave him, but I couldn't let the others on the quest die because of me. We were warned not to take anything from the junkyard, but I took it anyway. It was my mistake, and it was my job to fix it.

I didn't know how to work the mirror. I couldn't tell if I was controlling who it was showing, or if it was showing me that person because they needed my help. All I knew was that I was transfixed.

I sighed, and ran a hand through my hair. I was pretty sure I wasn't supposed to be there, considering I was in my father's castle, but if I'm honest, I liked it better than Elysium. Although Elysium was amazing, at that point, I just needed some time alone. I needed some time to myself, some time to think.

Some time to grieve.

It doesn't sound right, a dead person grieving. But at the same time, it makes sense. In a way, dying is harder than having someone you know die. When you die, you leave behind everyone you care about. When you die, you lose everyone, not just one person. When you die, you realize you might never see anyone you care about again. 

At least when you're alive, you have the hope that you might see them when you die yourself. But when you're dead, you know the truth. You know that your friends and family may not be in the same place as you. When you're dead, you know that if you choose re-birth, even if you do see them again, you won't recognize each other. When you're dead, you realize how utterly alone you are.

I looked around the room again. I don't know why I felt like it was meant to be my room, it just felt right. It felt like home. I walked over to the bed, and kneeled on it. It creaked slightly as I put weight on it, but other than that, it didn't move. I delicately put my hands on the window sill, somehow afraid of disturbing the perfect room, and looked out the window. The only thing I could see out the window that was even remotely interesting was the party that was forever happening in Elysium. Everything else was just barren, normal Underworld land.

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