*Chapter 7*

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I woke up to someone hitting the door. I groaned and dragged myself out of my warm comfy bed to the other side of the room. Dawn's way too perky face greeted me once I opened the door. 

"Is there any particular reason you decided to punch my door continuously?" I asked.Dawn rolled her eyes, and walked past me into the room. 

"It's called knocking," she said, sitting down on the end of my bed. "It's this thing people do to be polite." 

"Alright, is there any reason you decided to knock on my door at this ungodly hour?" I asked, sitting down beside her. 

"Ungodly?" Dawn asked. 

"Yeah, it's this expression people use when-" 

"I know what it is," Dawn interrupted. 

"It's just that most people don't mention the gods here. Chaos is who we recognize as our leader." 

"What would you rather me say? Unchaosly? No, that wouldn't make sense, because you waking me up at this time causes chaos. Oh I know! Unprimordialy!" 

Dawn snorted, "Unprimordialy?" 

"Yep," I said with a nod of my head. "From now on, everyone in this army will say unprimordialy instead of ungodly." 

"No one's going to do that," Dawn said, shaking her head. 

"Yes they will! I'll make them. And what time is it anyway?" 

"9 o'clock," she replied. 

"That is way too early for a Saturday," I muttered, yawning. "Anyway, we're getting off topic. Why did you decide to wake me up?" 

"Chaos wants to see you after breakfast. And I figured I might as well drag you to breakfast after delivering the message. So get dressed!" she said, pushing me towards my closet. I shot her a dirty look, before turning back around to find an outfit for the day. 


 "How much do you know about using a sword?" Chaos asked me. 

Breakfast was over, and now Chaos was teaching me how to sword fight. 

"Absolutely nothing," I said bluntly.

 "Perfect," he sighed. "I get to teach you everything." 

"At least I'm a fast learner," I said, trying to be optimistic. 

"Yes, that's always helpful," Chaos said, giving me a small smile.

"Alright so first, the parts of a sword..."We worked all day (with a break for lunch of course), but I could barely do anything. I learned some defensive moves but that was really it. 

 "I'm horrible at this," I muttered when we stopped at 5:00. 

"You just need some practice," Chaos insisted. I stared at him like he was crazy. 

"Practice?" I asked. "I've been practicing for hours, and I can't do a thing!""You'll learn!" he replied."I'll never learn!" I exclaimed, turning away, and getting some water. "I can't even figure out how to get that stupid mirror to work." 

There was a long silence. 

"What mirror?" 

"You don't know about it?" I asked, surprised. Until then, I'd thought that it was Chaos who put the mirror in my room. 

He slowly shook his head, "Don't know anything about a mirror." 

"Huh," was all I said in reply. 

"What's so special about this mirror?" Chaos asked. 

"It's..." I thought about what I could say. What was it really? A mirror that I'd put magic into 70 years ago? A mirror that shows me what my brother is up to? A mirror that me interfere? "You know what, never mind. Forget it. It's not important anyway."

"Yes it is," Chaos said, as I started to walk away. 

 "What makes you think that?" I asked, turning back around. "Everything in our lives are important, Alpha. The good and the bad. They work together, building your life. As minuscule as that one moment might seem compared to the millions, it still helped shape your life into what it is now." 

"It's just a stupid mirror," I said.

"A stupid mirror that's been bothering you," Chaos answered. I hate it when he's right. 

"It's just..." I bit my lip trying to figure out how to explain it. 

"It's been showing me things. Not necessarily weird things, but not what a mirror is supposed to show you." 

"What kinds of things?" he asked. I leaned against the small table behind me where my water bottle was resting, as I thought about the easiest way of explaining what it was showing. 

"It's been showing me my brother, Nico. Where he is, what he's doing... And this is all making me sound extremely stalker-ish, isn't it? Whatever, it's what's been happening. But I don't understand how it works. My dad said that I put magic in it when I was kid, because it used to hang in my room, but how's that possible? I don't have powers! Most demigods do, but I never had any. Nico can shadow travel and raise skeletons and stuff, but I've never done anything like that..." I trailed off, realizing I was rambling and starting to cry. 

"Alpha, I need you to calm down, okay?" Chaos asked calmly. I just shook my head, crying harder. 

"Alpha, what's wrong?" 

"Why don't I have normal powers?" 

"It must have something to do with your father..." Chaos said thoughtfully. 

"But Nico doesn't having these powers! Why's he normal?" 

"I don't know," Chaos said shaking his head."How it possible?" I sobbed, needing an answer. "Am I a freak or something?" 

"Having magic doesn't make you a freak," Chaos told me, laying a hand on my shoulder. "It makes you special." 

"What makes you think that?" 

"Look around you, Alpha. This whole place is made of magic. It isn't a bad thing- you have powers no one else has. Put them to good use."I nodded, thinking it over. My powers could help people. I could save people... 

"Can I ask you something?" I asked, once I'd calmed myself down down. 

"Of course," he replied. 

"Like I said before, that mirror it showed me him, Chaos. But how's that possible? How can a mirror show me what's happening on Earth?" 

Chaos looked thoughtful. After a few minutes in silence, I decided that there was no point in bothering him with it. 

"Never mind, it doesn't matter anyway," I said, for the second time that day.

"It does matter," he said. "You're upset about it. And I have a theory about why you can see things in the mirror. I think... I think it might be the magic you put into it when you were a child. You're manipulating what it's showing you." 

"You mean, what I'm seeing isn't real?" 

"No, it is very much real," Chaos assured me. "But I don't think it is a simple coincidence that you've been seeing Nico. I think it's that you have the overwhelming emotion of missing him, and your using your magic without knowing it. You're using your magic to show you the thing you want to see the most."


A/N: Really unsure about this chapter... Well, I hope you liked it!

I need your opinions on something: Do you guys want me to bring Percy into the story soon, or do you like it more right now? I don't really care when Percy comes in, I just want to make sure you guys are liking the story :)

Hope you have an awesome day/evening/night,


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