*Chapter 3*

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I watched from across Elysium as people walked through the stone archway that led to a new life. The stone archway that led to re-birth.

It would get me away. It would give me another chance. So why not? It would be great. I could live a new life, where monsters weren't always chasing me. No satyr would need to save me from my school. I could live an oblivious life.

Lost in my thoughts, I hadn't realized that I was actually walking. I hadn't realized how close I was to my dream until it was right in front of me.

The archway looked much more menacing up close. Staring it in the face made me wonder if this was the right choice. I had been so sure of what I wanted when I walked up, but now that I was there, I was questioning it. Was it a good idea? Was it really what I wanted?

I knew what I needed. I needed to get away. I needed another chance. I needed a new life.

I was standing in front of the archway that could give me that wish. It was just a few steps away. I could get away from being Bianca... away from being a daughter of Hades. I could be a normal girl. A girl who knew nothing about this life.

But was it what I wanted?

That was the question that kept me standing there, that stopped me from walking through. I didn't know what I wanted. I didn't know what to do.

"Bianca di Angelo," I heard someone say from behind me. I slowly turned and looked up at the man who knew my name. Although that was only my first of many times seeing him, if you asked me what he looked like, I wouldn't be able to describe him to you.

"How do you know my name?" I asked.

"I know more about you than just your name, Bianca."

"Like what?"

The man smiled, scaring the hell out of me. Most people's smiles lit up their face, made them look beautiful. Not his. His smile was wide, white, and sharp enough to be used as a murder weapon.

"Who are you?" I asked, taking a step back.

"My name is Chaos. I assume you've heard of me?"

I nodded slowly, "You're Primordials aren't you?"

His smile only grew when I said that.

"Yes, I am," he said. "It's a pleasure to meet you Bianca."

"Pleasure?" I snorted, crossing my arms. "Right."

"You don't believe me?"

"It's no one's pleasure to meet me," I said.

"Why not?"

"My father is Hades. Everyone hates him."

"Believe it or not, Bianca, but I have nothing against your father."

"Really?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. He nodded.

"Hades has never done anything to me. His rivalry is with his siblings, the Olympians, not the Primordials. Otherwise, I doubt he would have ever let me down here."

"Does he know you're talking to me?"

"Yes, he does. I made sure he was okay with what I'm going to offer you."

"Well, what do you want from me then?" I asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Gods always want something. I'm assuming that's what you mean by your 'offer'.

"Why do you believe that most gods do that?"

"I've been to Camp HalfBlood. Gods usually from their demigod children. That's why demigods are always claimed when they're so old. Because their parents didn't care about them until they wanted something."

"I assure you I am not like that. In fact, I don't actually have any mortal children."

"You don't?" I asked surprised. From what I'd heard from the Hunters and campers, pretty much all gods, other than the maidens, had demigod children.

"No, I don't. It's never interested me if I'm honest."

"Why not?"

He shrugged, "What's the point of having children, if you're just going to have to watch them die one day? Besides, I have others that are like my children. That's actually what I wanted to talk about with you."

"Why would you want to talk to me?"

"Because you have potential, Bianca. I don't want to see it wasted. If you choose re-birth, you will lose so much. You won't remember any of your old life."

"I don't mind that," I told him. "I didn't have that great of a life. But thanks anyway." I turned to walk away, towards the archway that could give me a new life.

"Are you prepared to leave him?" Chaos asked from behind me, making me freeze. "Are you prepared to forget your brother forever?"

"You don't know what you're talking about," I said coldly, not turning around.

"You won't even have the faintest memory of him. Imagine passing him on the street, and not remembering how much he used to mean to you. Not even remembering his name. Nico di Angelo would just be another stranger in a world full of strangers."

"It wouldn't be able to hurt me if I didn't remember," I said, but I was unsure. Could I leave him like that?

"You're hesitating," Chaos stated. "You don't want to leave him do you?"

"I already have left him," I spat, spinning around to face him. "Don't you see? I've already left him by himself in the world! I'm dead, Chaos! I'm dead! I can't do anything to help him now!"

"What if I could offer you a new life?" he asked. "A life where you could still remember him, remember all this? One where you could put your skills to good use? Where you could watch over your brother and make sure he's alright?"

"What are you talking about?" I asked, warily. It sounded like an okay life, but how could I be sure?

"I told you before that I have no biological children. But there are others that I have brought to my world, that I like to think of like my children."

"Why would you bring them to your world?"

"To be in my armies. I have many training grounds, and many armies. I've been putting together a new army, but I still need a leader for it."

"And you want me?"

"Only if you want to," he assured me. "It's completely voluntary."

He wanted me to lead an army. Me. Lead an army. Although it sounded like a good deal, I wasn't sure. I couldn't lead an army. Especially not an army created by Chaos himself.

"I don't... I don't know..." I whispered, having no idea what to say. "I kind of wanted to put all this supernatural stuff in the past."

"At least think about it. It's a good opportunity for you."

It was a good opportunity. I could say yes. It was practically re-birth, but better. I could remember everything. I could help my brother...

"I do want to say yes..." I trailed off. Something was holding me back, but I wasn't sure what. It was something in the pit of my stomach, telling me that it wasn't all I wanted.

"But?" he prompted. I looked up at him. Although at first he had terrified me, =I was starting to see him in a different light. I was starting to think I could trust him. I took a deep breath, and whispered, "I don't think want to be Bianca anymore."


I'm honestly really unsure about this chapter, but I hope you enjoyed it!

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