*Chapter 6*

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"Alright," Dawn declared, making sure all the attention was on her. "First up is Mario Karts."

"I hate Mario Karts," Danny muttered, making a disgusted face.

"Oh, stop being so whiny," Dawn replied. "We'll play X-Box later."

"And it's not like you'll be the worst player," Lune pointed out. "Alpha's never even played before."

Danny remained silent, but looked a bit happier.

"Okay, who wants which remotes?" Hunter asked, once he located all of them. He laid them all out on the table in front of Lune.

"I call pink!" Dawn said, jumping up and grabbing it.

"I'll take light blue," Lune said, grabbing it from the table.

"Alpha, what colour do you want?" Hunter asked me, before he and Danny chose theirs. I looked at the table, where three remotes were left: one black, one white, and one red.

"I don't care," I said, with a shrug.

"Give her white," Danny told Hunter. "I'll take red, and you can black." Hunter nodded, and handed me the white remote. Danny grabbed the red one, and Hunter took the black one before sitting back down on the couch.

Hunter went through each screen quickly, as I just stared at the TV. I had no idea what any of the stuff on the screen was, but I decided it was easier not to ask.

"Press A," Hunter told me.

"Why?" I asked.

"So that the Wii registers your remote," he replied. That just confused me even more, so I figured I'd just do what he told me. 


"Which racetrack are we doing?" Lune asked.

"Yoshi Falls!" Dawn said, bouncing up and down. "Please?"

Hunter smiled, "Sure. Everyone else okay with that?" Danny and Lune nodded, while I just stared at him blankly. Hunter selected the level, not even bothering to explain what was going on to me. I figured this was best, since I probably wouldn't understand anyway.

Numbers started counting down on the screen, and Dawn explained that you were supposed to start driving when it said 'GO!'. I probably could have figure that out on my own, but at least she was trying to make sure I understood. It was all fine until it finished counting down, all the other cars started moving, and I realized I didn't know how to make my car start.

"Um guys?" I asked, timidly.

"Yeah?" Hunter, who was in first, asked, sparing me a glance.

"How do you make the car drive...?"

"Oh, you um..." Hunter tried to explain, looking back and forth between me and the TV. "You hold down-"

"DIE HUNTER, DIE!" Lune yelled, pushing Hunter's car off the edge, into the water.

"NO!" Hunter screamed, forgetting about me. "Lune!" 

Lune was was hunched forward in her seat, pure determination in her eyes.

"Um, Hunter?" I asked.

"Oh right," he said, turning back to me, while his car was being lifted out of the water, and dumped back on the track. "You hold down 2 to go forwards, and 1 to go backwards. Oh, and tilt the controller to steer."

"Okay, thanks," I said, testing it out. My car sped off so quickly that I didn't get the chance to steer it on the right course before it fell off the edge, just like Hunter's had moments before. Some cloud thing picked the car up and dropped it back on the race track. 

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