*Chapter 16*

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An obstacle course. That was what Omega wanted to do in training the next day. A freaking obstacle course.

Not that I was against it— it sounded really fun actually.

Training was turning into actual work but I liked that Omega was managing to come up with creative ways to do it. He was a good commander for our army of misfits.

Of course, the downside of all of this was that I had to get up early to help set up. Dawn seemed to find my suffering hilarious.

"We should make everyone else do this," I muttered as Omega and I dragged equipment into the training room. "They're the ones using it after all."

Omega laughed slightly, "Yeah let's make then do all the work, while we sit by and tell them it's not that hard."


"We can't do that," Omega laughed. "We'd basically be gym teachers."

I stopped, "What are gym teachers?"

"You don't know what gym teachers are?"

I shook my head.

"Well they're teachers obviously..." Omega said. "And they, I'm, teach us about fitness and sports and stuff. But they never do any of the work with you. They would sit on their asses while we ran and tell us that we were slow and stuff."

I didn't really understand, but I just nodded my head and continued setting up. I'd ask Dawn or someone what on earth he was talking about later.

"Besides," Omega said. "I love to see the surprise and confusion on their faces when they walk in and see all the stuff."

"That is an excellent point," I conceded.

We finished setting up and even had time to spare before practice started. I will admit, Omega was right-- it was hilarious to see everyone's faces when they walked in.

"Hello everyone!" Omega said. "Since there's barely any room to move in here, we're actually going to move to another training room for warm-up. Then we'll do actual training in here."

"What is training today?" Dawn asked.

"I guess we might as tell you now," I said, looking over at Omega.

"Yeah, might as well," he agreed. "We're going to have groups rotating around the room. Each group will be at a different 'station' I guess you could say. You'll have a chance to go to each one. Everyone will be doing different exercises-- hurdles, wall toss with the medicine balls, hoola hooping, and just random exercises like jumping jacks and stuff. You know the drill."

"And over here," I said pointing to the back corner of the room, "we will be doing an obstacle course. But you'll learn more about that when you get to this station."


"So who wants to go first?" I asked. I was running the obstacle course, while Omega went around to help the other groups. "I need two of you."

I was really surprised when no one raised their hand. They all seemed pretty eager to go before.

"Alright... Dawn and Hunter, you're up."

The two of them stepped forward.

"Dawn you stand over there," I said, pointing to left side of it. "And Hunter, you stand here."

The obstacle course was a mix of normal stuff like hurtles, and random shit that they needed to figure out how to get by.

"Don't get me wrong, I love this," Forgotten said. "But how exactly does this qualify as raining?"

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