*Chapter 13*

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I could hear footsteps in the hallway. They got louder and louder, adding to the pounding in my head. I waited for them to get quiet again, so I could let myself cry without anyone hearing, but they never did. The footsteps got so loud they had to be right outside my door. And then they stopped.

A couple tears fell down my face but other than that everything was completely still and silent. Until it was broken by the knock.

My mind considered getting up to open the door. My body didn't like that idea though.

"Alpha?" Dawn asked, opening my door after a few seconds. I didn't look up. I just continued sitting cross-legged on the floor, staring at my mirror. I had ripped it off the wall when I woke up that morning, and kept staring into it. I was gripping it so hard, I was actually scared that it might break.

"Alpha are you okay?" Dawn asked, her voice cracking a bit as she walked forward. In the back of my mind, I realized that it was always Dawn that found me when I was like that. It was always her that found me after I looked in my mirror. Dawn sounded really scared as she whispered, "Alpha?"

I tried to tell her I was fine, but all that came out was a sob. It's my birthday today. I'm finally older than you.

"Oh Alpha," Dawn whispered, kneeling next to me.

"He thinks I'm dead," I sobbed. I let go of the mirror, the back of it falling against the floor. "He misses me."

Dawn didn't ask me who I was talking about. She didn't ask how I knew he missed. She just hugged me, while I cried.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" she asked softly when I calmed down. I just shook my head. "Okay, that's okay. A few of us are going to play Wii tonight. Wanna join?"

I took a shaky breath, "Sure."

Dawn smiled, "Great. I think there's still some food left over from lunch. Wanna raid the kitchen? We can even dress in black and be super sneaky, and basically be like super agents. I mean, it's sort of our thing."

I smiled and looked over at my best friend and partner-in-crime. Somehow she always knew how to make me feel better.

"Let's do it," I said.


I honestly did feel better as Dawn and I went on our mission to the kitchen. We hid in closets, did somersaults through doorways, nearly ran into Omega about 5 times, nearly ran into Chaos about 9 times, and knocked basically everyone we ran into over.

The thing about the kitchens was that it was really far from our rooms, and the door was in a pretty empty hallway. It was in a hallway that was closed off by weird doors on either side, so no one really went in there.

The second we closed the door to the hallway behind us, Dawn turned to me and put a finger to her lips, indicating to be quiet. I jokingly made a gun with my fingers, holding it up in front of my face and Dawn mimicked the action. We walked, laughing, with our backs against the wall slowly toward the door to the kitchen.

Thankfully when we turned the corner and ran into the kitchen, nobody was in there. If there was, that could have gotten really awkward, really fast.

Dawn and I collected so much food that we actually had to get a basket to carry it back up to my room. We (of course) mainly got junk food and pop, but at the time it was comfort food for me.

When we got back upstairs, I dumped the food that I was carrying on my bed, while Dawn grabbed a blanket to lay out on the floor like we were going to have a picnic.

Then I saw my mirror lying on the floor. I sighed and picked it up. I had a few options here: I could hide the mirror in my closet, I could put it back on the wall, I could smash it (and get 7 years bad luck, but whatever), or I could give it to Chaos and tell him I didn't want it anymore. Two of those options would be getting rid of the problem completely. One of them would just be hiding it, to deal with it later. And the last one... the last one would mean keeping it in plain sight, but showing that I was strong enough to deal with it. I decided on that one.

I walked over to my wall and hung the mirror up. In the end, the mirror was just a mirror. It was just a nice decoration my parents had put in my room. It was my magic that was giving it the power to show me Nico. If I just used it as a mirror, then maybe I could convince myself that's all it was all along.

I took a deep breath and turned back to Dawn who was putting the food out on the blanket. We joked around and had fun and I surprisingly didn't think of Nico for the entire time.

"Alpha?" Dawn asked timidly after we finished eating.


"Wh-who thinks you're dead?" Well there goes my chance of forgetting what happened. "I mean, you said you grew up on another training ground, so why would someone think you're dead? Wouldn't you just tell them you were joining another army?"

"Well... um..." I stuttered, not knowing what to tell her.

"You don't have to tell me," Dawn said hurriedly when I hesitated. "I just want to know you can tell me if you want to. We've known each other for more than a thousand years Alpha. You can tell me anything."

I just nodded without saying anything. I had to admit, the idea of telling someone about the person I used to be actually sounded pretty appealing. To have someone know about Bianca di Angelo, the girl who didn't know her parents. The girl who had no idea about this world.

But I couldn't. Not yet at least. Maybe one day I would share my secret. Maybe one day I'd be brave enough.


I know this is a few days late and it's really not good, but at least it's an update. I'm trying to write a thousand books at once right now, and it's really not going very well.

Hope you have an amazing day/evening/night,


P.S. If you liked it, could you maybe vote and comment? I'd really appreciate it!

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