*Chapter 19*

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PART III: Camp Half-Blood

I had no reason to want to go back to camp. I dreaded going back. But I also knew however horrible it would be for me, it would be 10 times worse for Omega.

I fell into step with him as he walked through the halls of absolute craziness. Neither of us said anything at first, we just walked along in silence. I glanced over at him from time to time, but he didn't seem to notice.

I had admitted to Dawn the day before when I was freaking out in my room that I actually sort of liked Omega. Probably shouldn't have, but it was too late by then. I would just have to go with it and see how things turned out.

Omega broke the silence first.

"Have you ever left here?" he asked.

"Only to go to other training grounds," I lied. There was a reason why I wouldn't be able to be with him— so much that I had told him was a lie.


"Why's that so surprising?" I asked. It seemed like a normal part of my cover story to me, honestly. I didn't know why it would surprise him at all.

"I don't know," he said. "I just find it weird that you've never seen anything other than Chaos' world."

I shrugged, "I never really wanted to." It was almost the truth. I had to admit that it would have been nice to see Earth, but I still preferred the training grounds.

Omega didn't say anything for a couple minutes.

"Are you ready to go back to Earth?" I asked when the silence became unbearable.

"Are you?" he replied. I fake glared at him.

"I asked first," I said. He still didn't answer. I playfully poked him in the side and said, "Answer me."

"I don't know," he sighed. "But I know I have to be."

My smile slowly faded. What had been a fun conversation quickly took a serious turn when he said that.

"Price of the job, I guess," I whispered.

"Yeah, I guess so."


"I really don't want to do this," I said as Chaos made the portal.

"None of us do," Lune said, staring straight ahead. "But we don't have a choice."

"She's right," Dawn said. She was standing on my left, while Lune was on my right. "We have to do this."

"I know we do," I replied. "But it doesn't mean we have to be happy about it."

"Alright," Chaos said, turning back to us. "This portal will take you close to the entrance of the camp. To get into the camp, head for the pine tree. Just follow Alpha and Omega and you'll do okay. Everyone understand?"

We all nodded.

"Alright, let's do this," Omega said, although he looked like it was the last thing he wanted to do. He took a deep breath and stepped into the portal.

"Guess it's now or never," I said, following him through, not daring to look back.

Going through a portal was weird. I saw faces coming in and out of focus all around me, as my hair blew around. Then the voices started. They sounded all fuzzy and almost like we were underwater, although it was clear we weren't. They faded in and out as I spun around, trying to get any kind of bearing.

"Please help me," one voice begged.

"I'd accept death at this point," another voice said, fading out.

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