*Chapter 11*

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Sometimes I really hate Dawn. That morning was one of those times. Honestly, the nerve of her, waking me up at a 'decent' hour (her words, not mine). 8 a.m. is way too early to be up.

"Get up Alpha!" she laughed. "Chaos wants to see you in an hour!" 

"Great, wake me up in an hour," I mumbled, pulling the comforter over my head. I'm not really sure why it's always Dawn that tells me Chaos wants to see me, or why it's always her that wakes me up at such un-primordialy hours (yes I still say that instead of ungodly). I should have known she would wake up early. Her name is literally Dawn. Dam it (yet another memory I once saw in the mirror, when I was learning magic with Chaos), I should have become best friends with Lune.

"Don't you want to have breakfast?" she asked, trying to pull the comforter off me.

"Not really," I replied, although my stomach didn't agree. "It's too early to anything."

"No it's not!" she exclaimed. "Morning is the best time to get stuff done!"

"So go do stuff," I mumbled into my pillow. "I'll just go back to sleep while you do that."

"You are so annoying," she complained.

"I know," I replied. Here's a tip: when someone's trying to wake you up in the morning, just agree with everything they say. Then they might leave and actually let you sleep.

"All the chocolate croissants will be gone," she said in a sing-song voice.

"They'll be back tomorrow," I mumbled into my pillow. Normally I would worry about whether someone could understand what I was saying if I mumbled into my pillow, but I'd already decided that Dawn was some kind of guru that could always understand me. 

"You won't be able to have them tomorrow if you sleep in again," Dawn pointed out. 

"Stop being a logical," I muttered. 

Dawn snorted, "Did you just say logical?"

"It's your fault! You're rubbing off on me!"

"Well then maybe the next step is you getting up at the same time as me!"

"No." Well there went my idea of agreeing to everything she said.

"Oh for goodness sake, get up!" she exclaimed, finally succeeding pulling the comforter off me.


"Come on," she said, grabbing my hand and dragging me out of bed. She grabbed some random clothes from my floor and threw them at me. "Get dressed. You don't have much time."

When I didn't move from where I was standing by my bed, she grabbed my arm and dragged me over to the bathroom.

"Honestly, what would you do without me?" 

"I'd have much better sleeping patterns," I yawned. 

"Oh shut up," she said playfully, pushing me into the bathroom. 

I stuck my tongue out at her over my shoulder, before closing the door.


It was hard to look Percy in the eyes, knowing what my brother had said to him about my death. That it was his fault. That he promised to protect me.

Of course, it was thousands of years ago for me. Somehow though, I had never really forgotten it. That was a downside to the mirror. I saw things I wasn't meant to see. Things that had been said after I died, and were not meant for my ears. Things that were said and left hanging in the air, leaving everyone with regrets. The things you say about someone when they're not around to hear them.

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