*Chapter 12*

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 "Um... hello everyone!" Omega said.

I stifled a laugh, looking down at the ground so no one would notice. He sounded so awkward and nervous. Dawn shot me a look, but I could tell she was trying not to laugh too.

"My name's Omega," he continued. "And I guess I'm going to be the new leader of this army."

Everyone was serious and listening attentively, but Dawn and I were silently laughing at him. I really just hoped he couldn't see us in the dark room. 

I don't really remember the rest of Per— I swear to god, I was gonna call him Percy to his face soon— Omega's introduction speech. All I know is that at some point it ended, and I hung out with Dawn for the rest of the day.

Everything started changing over the next week. Since I hadn't told Percy I was technically second-in-command, I wasn't running training anymore which confused the army a lot. But Omega ran it similarly to how I ran it, so it wasn't like it was a huge change or anything.

At the same time, more people started coming to our training grounds to join the army. If I'm honest, I didn't even know half their names. It might have been an army but we were still teenagers (who lived for thousands of years... but whatever). We didn't all get along, we didn't all know each other. We had our own friend groups and that was that.

Everything was going fine, and just like I wanted until one fateful day when Omega asked to talk to me. I didn't think anything of it at the time. I figured he just wanted to ask something about the training grounds or something.

I followed him into the hallway, while my friends continued to talk in the Common Room.

"What's up?" I asked.Omega- I was finally getting used to his name- took a deep breath.

"You've been really helpful with helping me settle in here, and I honestly can't thank you enough for it."

"Don't worry about it," I said. "I'm happy to help."

"It's just... being a leader in a new place has been pretty weird for me. And I've noticed how much some of the others look to you for guidance," he said, rubbing a hand against the back of his neck. "And it would just be really helpful if you could maybe, um, be my second-in-command?"

"Your second in command?" I asked, my eyes growing wide. I hadn't expected him to actually ask me. I wondered briefly if Chaos had suggested it, but brushed that thought aside. Now wasn't the time to be blaming people for the situation I was in."But I... I don't know anything about this stuff."

"You think I do?" Perc- Omega asked. "I have no idea what I'm doing."

"Haven't you fought in a war before?" I asked. I already knew the answer, but I asked anyway, as if I was oblivious took everything that had happened in his life.

"Of course I have," he said. "I've been part of two great prophecies. But I've never been in command of an army before. I need someone there to help me."

"I'm afraid you've come to the wrong person, Omega. I grew up here, but all I've done is train. I've never actually gone to war."

Omega looked at the ground, fighting back tears.

"Omega, are you okay?" I asked. He looked back up at my face.

"Yeah," he said unconvincingly. "You just reminded me of my ex-girlfriend, is all."

"Oh," I said, having no idea how to act. Clueless. Act clueless— you're not supposed to know about her. "I'm sorry. What happened?"

"She died," he said, bluntly.

"Oh," I repeated, slightly shocked. Of course, I already knew what happened to her, I saw it happen, but to hear it say it like that made it seem so much more real. Then I realized how much it must hurt for him to talk about her. "Oh my god, I am so sorry! I really shouldn't have asked."

"It's fine," he told me.

"No it's not," I said, shaking my head. "I should not have brought that up!"

"You didn't know," he said. That didn't comfort me at all. I did know what happened to her, but I asked anyway.

"How about you make it up to me by being second-in-command for my army?" he asked. I stared at him for a few seconds. Why was it that everyone convinced me to do anything by making a deal?

"Fine," I said, smiling a bit.


That night, I was in such a good mood that I decided to work with the mirror again. Of course, I had been practicing with small things like seeing another room of the training ground or one of my memories. But this time I wanted to do what I used to do. I wanted to see Nico. I knew I shouldn't have done it, but I missed him. I just wanted to see what was going on in his life.

I closed my eyes and concentrated on him. I thought of his laugh, the fact that he loved Mytho Magic, how he reacted when we found out we were demigods. I let those thoughts completely take over my mind. I opened my eyes again, and I saw him.

At first I was confused. It was pretty dark, like it was either sunrise or sunset. Nico was walking with wind whipping in his face as he walked past countless graves.

I stared at the mirror with tears in my eyes, watching my brother walk through the empty cemetery, with a piece of chocolate cake on a plate in his hand. He finally stopped, and as he knelt down, I tried to look around him to read the name on the tombstone, but I couldn't see it.

Nico smiled sadly, all the while staring at the grave.

"Hey sis," he whispered, his voice cracking, and my heart nearly stopped beating. "Guess what? It's my birthday today." A small sob wracked his body and a tear fell down his face as he whispered, "I'm finally older than you."

I gave a small gasp, and stumbled backwards, never taking my eyes off the picture. I felt a single tear roll down my cheek as I watched my little brother talk to my grave.

It's my birthday today. I'm finally older than you. My birthday. I'm finally older than you. Older than you. Finally older than you.

The words swirled around in my mind. It was his birthday, and he was thinking of me. He was older than I was when I died. My knees buckled and I fell to the ground sobs wracking my body. He didn't know I was alive. He thought I was dead forever— and he was talking to my grave to celebrate his birthday.

I cried myself to sleep on the floor that night. His voice rang in my ears, drowning out everything else.

It's my birthday today. I'm finally older than you.


I'm sorry... I'll just see myself out. Just a disclaimer, what Nico said was based off a Head Canon I saw on Tumblr, so props to whoever made that.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter! If you did, I would really appreciate it if you could vote and possibly comment to let me know!

I hope you have an amazing day/evening/night,


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